Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Week 38...Not A Lot of Change

Another Tuesday, another doctor's appointment. Went in yesterday for my 38 week check up and not much has changed at all. Still dilated to 4 cm, 80 to 85% effaced, at a 0 to +1 station, tummy measured to 38/38.5 and Parker's heartbeat is still going strong at 132. Parker could be two weeks away or any day now...the only thing my doctor said is she thinks I am going to have a fast delivery, which is just fine with me!

I told her my Mom was dilated to 4 cm with me for about 4 weeks before I arrived and she asked me if she had a short delivery, to which I responded "extremely short, the nurses were telling her to wait for the doctor to get there". And that's when she told me I would probably have the same and I tend to believe the pattern will hold true. When we were pregnant with Tristan I asked her how big she thought Tristan would be and she said that you tend to follow the same pattern as your mother (although, not always true for everyone). Well, my brother was my Mom's first child and he weighed 7lb 4oz and measured 20 inches long and Tristan ended up weighing 7lb 3oz and measured 20 inches long. Pretty darn close if you ask me! Now, the scary part is I was my Mom's second and I weighed 8lb 11oz...I don't know if I'm ready to have that big of a baby!

As for any further explanation/clarification for my wet bed Saturday morning, none whatsoever. She just said that it happens to a lot of women and they aren't real sure what it is other than some type of fluid (or urine)...not real comforting, but at least I know it wasn't my water that broke.

My next appointment is Tuesday, the 29th, unless Parker decides to debut before that.

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