Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No baby yet!

Parker is still living happily in my tummy at this point! I went in for my 37 week appointment yesterday and found out I am still 3 to 4 centimeters dilated, but now 85% effaced and at a -1 to 0 station, so we are progressing right along. My doctor estimates I have about 7 to 10 days before the big baby debut, but I would really like about 14 days, putting me at 39 weeks. Well at least what I keep telling everyone when they ask if I'm ready is that physically I would be ready now, but mentally I need about 2 weeks so I feel that we have everything prepared.

Our house is still a disaster from reorganzing and rearraning furniture and we are not finished yet. I would really like to get everything back in order and Parker's nursery finished...I promise I will be posting some new pictures of the nursery as soon as I get my camera downloaded!

So, please cross your fingers for me and my sanity that we can hold out another 2 weeks!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Am I the only one who voted on your poll that you were going to have him before April 27th? I feel like I may be the winner...what's my prize?