Monday, March 22, 2010

Christmas Eve

Woohoo, it was Christmas Eve in our household....about 3 months ago!!! Tristan was excited for Santa to come that night, I think this was the first year he really grasped the Santa and presents concept. As for Parker, he was just along for the ride!

We started the day out by sporting some Christmas-themed apparel and making cookies to put out for Santa that night. This was the first year we actaully set out milk and cookies for Santa and I don't think we'll be skipping this tradition in the years to come because Tristan loved it and pretty much has the idea ingrained in his head!

He's kind of been on a baking/cooking spree with Mommy lately, but this particular time he got to bake with Daddy while Mommy played the part of photographer!

Spatula in hand, ready to get started

Anxiously awaiting to stir

And he's off

Daddy "supervising"

Got bored with stirring and decided to get his M&Ms ready

Lining up his M&Ms...those of you who know Tristan well, won't be surprised at this, everything in order and exactly lined up!

Adding his special and green M&Ms

Ready for the oven!

After the cookies were made, we spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for our families to come over that evening. For the last few years we have opened presents from each other on Christmas Eve and opened presents from Santa on Christmas morning, and we continued the tradition this year. Santa seems to typically bring one big gift each for the kids so it is nice to break it up into two days, so that they are really excited Christmas morning to see what Santa brought.

But Christmas Eve was filled with lots and lots of presents from our loving family and the kids were TOTALLY SPOILED, once again! We had a great time spending time with our families and the kids enjoyed opening presents, especially Tristan!

The tree with a gazillion presents

Tristan and Parker checking out the "goods"

Tristan and GiGi showing off some smiles

Oh my, look at that face!

Tristan and Parker...he doesn't quite smile on demand...yet!

Another one of Tristan and GiGi...I took advantage of this photo time since he was willingly participating in picture-taking!

Even more presents added...can I say SPOILED ROTTEN?

Tristan bring the presents into the living room

Parker pushing Mommy's camera out of his more paparazzi!!!

Mommy and Parker...still working on that smiling thing:)

Oh definitely not a smile here...the paparazzi are really making him mad!

Tristan with all his presents lined you see the trend, first the M&Ms, now the presents!

While his brother was tearing into his presents, Parker decided he needed a little surprise here!

Present opening time...he was REALLY into it this year!

We finally tore Parker away from his snack long enough to get him going with his presents

But, it was short-lived, he was back at the snack...I think next year he will really be into the whole present thing!

Every 3 year old needs Chutes & Ladders!

Parker finally found a present that got his attention...he loves books and absolutely adores animals so this was a winner for him!

Opening his present from GiGi and PawPaw

Practicing on his new drums from Alla

Woohoo, an Elmo laptop, what more could a kid ask for?

Drums from Alla

Kissing his brand new beloved "baby"

Another Elmo toy!

Getting squeezed by Alla, and "baby" got some love too...this dog now sleeps with Parker every night...Mommy and Daddy got this present right!!!

Making a tower

And some help from big brother

Getting taller!

Playing Parker's drums

Playing airplane with GiGi, just like Mommy used to!

Tristan showing PawPaw some live

Love for Alla too!

Parker attempting to take over one of Tristan's presents

Tristan riding his new SmartCycle for GiGi and PawPaw

Doing what he does best...making a mess!

Parker loving his pegboard toy from Alla...Lakeshore Learning is the best!!!

Serious concentration


Wow, intense

Attacking the camera!

Just the boys...ready for bed, Christmas jammies and all

Mommy and her two babies

Mommy and Tristan before bed

The tree and milk & cookies waiting for Santa's arrival

Just for Santa

Up next: Christmas Day, complete with video footage from Christmas morning!!!