Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some new pics...

I have been having some computer issues lately, so this post is going to be short...I am just posting a few pics that I had already downloaded before the computer went crazy. Hopefully my computer problems will be resolved in the next few days and I can download my new pictures and video. For those of you who haven't heard, or seen, Tristan can clap now and I of course caught it on video!!! Can't wait to post that one!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fantastic Father's Day!

This is kind of a late post since Father's Day was on Sunday, but you know how it goes with an active 7 1/2 month old!!!! Needless to say, Father's Day this year was even more special since it was Victor's first. We had a wonderful day.

Tristan decided not to make Daddy breakfast, but instead take him to lunch. Although, he made Victor open up his gifts that morning. I think Tristan might have had more fun that Victor with the gifts. He tore the wrapping paper and was playing with all the tissue paper. After he was done Victor could finally get to all his gifts. Daddy got a "2007 World's Greatest Dad" t-shirt, 2 golf shirts, a coffee mug (what Father's Day is complete without one?), a #1 Dad stuffed animal, a golf inspired picture frame and of course, NEW GOLF CLUBS! Tristan also got himself a special “I Love Daddy” bib and a “My Dad is the Man” shirt, both of which he wore. Since there was absolutely no way Tristan could pick out the clubs for Victor without a little help from him, we went Saturday night to pick them out with Victor. They had to be gripped Sunday morning, so we couldn’t pick them up until the afternoon.

So Sunday afternoon, we went to lunch with my Mom and Dad, my brother (who was in town from Kansas City), Victor's Mom and Aunt. And of course, we went to Outback (no surprise there). Afterwards we headed to the golf store to pick up the new clubs. Victor was so excited...just like the kid from a "Christmas Story" when he got the Red Rider BB gun!

First thing he did when we got home that afternoon was practice hitting his new clubs in the front yard…don’t worry, he used those practice balls that purposely don’t go far, so the neighbors don’t have any broken windows! I think he had a pretty darn good day!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Check out that personality!

It's been awhile since I've posted any video, mostly because I have been lazy and didn't want to download it off the camera, but I finally got with it! Here are a couple of recordings from the past few weeks that really show how much personality Tristan has...he is such a ham. As a side note, I sound ridiculous in some of these videos, so just ignore me talking!

To view: click the image and another window will come up (you may have to turn off your pop-up blocker if you have one). Click the sideways arrow on the left bottom of the image to play.

Tristan giggling with Mom and Dad

Tristan having a ball in his bouncey

Tristan being silly at the park for Kaeson's Birthday party

Friday, June 15, 2007

Look at those teeth!

I finally got a couple of half-way decent pictures of those pesky teeth that have been giving Tristan so much trouble. If you look closely at the two pictures below, you can see his two bottom teeth. The one on the right was the first to come in and and the one on the left broke skin early this week. His top two teeth are not that far behind, you can already see the white bumps on his top gum. I am estimating that he will probably get those in the next 2-3 weeks, if not sooner. He's going to have a full set of teeth before we know it!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Weekend: Sea World, a Concert and the Emergency Room

What a weekend! By the title of this post some of you may be a little worried, but don't be, I'll explain.

On Friday, my friend Melissa and I took Tristan and her son Kaeson to Sea World, since we now all have season passes. Boy, was it hot. We only stayed about 4 or 5 hours and the first thing we did when we got there was get in the waterpark, and it felt fantastic! I can't imagine going there during the summer and not getting in the's way too hot it in Texas to walk around that place all day without enjoying a little bit of pool time. Needless to say, we had a pretty good time.

On Saturday night, Victor and I went with some friends to a new outdoor amphitheater by the river. Mildred, Lizzie and Minsa came over to babysit Tristan...he was in for a definite treat because he had 3 loving women to tend after him! I am sure he was in heaven! We got home a little after midnight and quickly went to bed. Tristan was asleep in his crib, but I moved him in to tour room to sleep (I just couldn't help it). He woke up up around 2:30 in a coughing fit. I couldn't get him to stop coughing for about 30 minutes, so we finally called the on-call doc, who told us to turn on the shower so the steam could open up Tristan's lungs. Well, after about 20-30 minutes in the bathroom with Tristan he seemed to be breathing better and I finally got him back to sleep.

Sunday morning he woke up and was coughing more. Since he had been sick and our doctor told us it could take up to 3 weeks for him to get rid of the flem in his system, I didn't think too much of it...just figured he had a rough night and morning. I gave him his bottle and he had a really hard time drinking it and was coughing quite a bit after he finished. He started coughing so violently that he spit up ALL of the 6 ounces he drank. Not much in the terms of spit up really surprises me since Tristan had reflux so bad, bu this was the whole bottle. It really scared me, so I called the on-call doctor back and she could hear his loud coughs in the background and said to take him in to the Emergency Room because he might need a breathing treatment.

I called Victor, who was playing golf (I told him to go ahead and go that morning since it was before the whole bottle incident occurred) and told him we were going to the ER. Being the good Dad that he is, he made me come pick him up to go with us. By the time we reached the ER, Tristan was doing a lot better. The doctor there tested him for RSV, which he didn't have, listened to his breathing and checked his ears. Basically, the doctor though he still had a cold/cough, not croup, which is what I was worried that he had, and said his coughing would probably be worse at night and when he is on his back. He also said his ears were still red and had fluid. He wanted us to follow up with our regular doctor on Monday.

We went to our doctor on Monday and she put Tristan on a stronger antibiotic for his ear infection and a different medicine to help get rid of the cough. So far, he seems to be feeling a lot better and has a checkup scheduled for next Monday...keep your fingers crossed for a clean bill of health. I am ready for him to be 100% again! Taking care of a sick, teething child is absolutely, positively no fun...this is one of those times that makes you appreciate all your mother did for you.

With all the events going on, I don't have many pics except the ones from Sea World, Saturday night and a few here and there...enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

It's Summertime!

It is finally HOT here in Texas. For the last couple of weeks our weather kept teetertotting (sp?) between rainy, gross days and nice beautiful, sunny days, but it has finally made it's mind is just plain hot and of course, humid. That means time to get in the pool! And Tristan and I did exactly just that this past week.

Well, first of all, let me give you an update about Tristan's cold, for those of you who don't know. I took Tristan to the doctor last Friday for a follow-up visit about his cold and the doc said his chest and breathing sounded much better, but he was beginning to develop a slight ear infection. More than likely the congestion just drained into his ears, so the doc put him on an antibiotic to clear it up. Luckily we caught it early, so Tristan didn't have any pain and wasn't even bothered by it. He will be on the antibiotics until this Sunday, but overall is feeling 100% better than 2 weeks ago.

So, since he was feeling better, I decided what better time to get in the pool and officially ring in summer. On Sunday, we went to Kaeson's first birthday party. For those of you who don't know, Kaeson is my friend Melissa's son, whom we hang out with quite often. His party was at Landa Park and the kids rode the train and hung out. Afterwards we went back to Melissa's house and got the kids in the pool...the water felt great! It was so refreshing.

On Tuesday Victor and I took Tristan to the zoo for a little bit, but it was so hot that a lot of the animals weren't out, so we left after about an hour or two. It definitely would have been nice to have a pool to go home to that day (hint, hint to Victor)! Along came Wednesday and I was still hot from Tuesday, so we met up with my friend Melanie and her daughter Ashley and went swimming in the pool at the YMCA. Ashley is taking swimming lessons there, so we hopped in for awhile before her lessons.

Speaking of swimming lessons, Tristan starts his "waterbabies" class on June 19th. It is just a 2 week introductory class for babies 6 months and older to get them used to the water and start drownproofing. Tristan will actually get to go under water for the first time...very exciting, but kind of scary too! I'm sure there are many moms reading this now and know that "babies have a natural reflex to hold their breath" (or at least that is what my Mom keeps saying), but is still kind of scary. I will be sure to post how that class session goes!

I think that's all that has been going on here...of course, I have pics posted below.