Friday, February 27, 2009

Just The Boys

A few pics of Tristan and some of his friends from a little SuperBowl get together we had a few weekends ago.

Kaeson, Tristan and Knox all chowing down on rice krispie treats

Now they're looking at the camera
Tristan shoving his treat in his mouth, of course!

Alright, three sets of two year old boys all looking at the camera

Kaeson licking his fingers, yummy, yummy!

What a sight

Monday, February 23, 2009

Parker 9 Month Pictures

Here's a few pictures from Parker's 9 month pictures. To see all the proofs, click on the link below and enter password pkadish2009.

Fun at GiGi and PawPaw's...A little overdue

Maybe this will be one of the last posts that I have to preface with "this is about 2 months overdue" since I think I am close to being caught up to the present day, but we'll just have to wait and see for sure!!

Anyways, around Christmas my parents finally got the playscape they bought from their neighbors all put back together (thanks to the help of my brother who was home for the holidays). Their neighbors sold them the playscape since their little boy had outgrown it and it just needed a little sprucing up. They dismantled it and moved it to my parents back yard and then my mom refinished the wood, ordered a new canvas cover for the top and the sandbox and bought a new swing. It had been sitting in their backyard for awhile ready to be put back together, so when William (my brother) was here during Christmas time he took charge.

So in essence Tristan (and Parker too) got a big surprise Christmas present at GiGi and PawPaw's house, which Tristan just loves!!!!

Uncle William pushing Tristan on his new swing

Tristan loves to swing high

King of the playscape

Weeeee, going down the slide

Swinging with GiGi

Parker took a turn in the swing

Just soaking it all in

Tristan even got GiGi to go down the slide, and she fit!!! That slide is not all that wide, not made for adults!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A doctor's visit and the park

A couple of weeks ago (yes, this phrase seems to be a trend on this blog lately) Tristan had a follow-up doctor's appointment at the ENT to check on his ear tubes. As we were sitting in the exam room waiting for the doctor I couldn't help but notice just how grown up he looked sitting in the chair. The first time he went to the ENT he was just shy of nine months and Victor and I had to hold him in our arms for him to be examined. Not now, he sat in the chair all by himself and let Dr.Franklin check out his ears, nose and throat...he was so good and he got a good report, the tubes are still in and apparently working fine since he has been ear infection free since getting them again (this is his second set).

Sitting in the exam chair all by himself

What a big kid!

After his appointment we went home and picked up Parker and Grandma Mildred, who watched Parker while we went to the doctor, and headed out to lunch and then to the park. We actually hadn't been to the park in awhile so Tristan had a lot of fun running down by the water, seeing the ducks and of course, playing on the swings and slides.

Hanging out on the playground

Kicking the sand, a favorite thing to do

Waiting for someone to go put him in

Probably wishing I would stop taking pictures and just put him in the swing!

Baby Parker checking out his surroundings

Flying high


Love this face

Looking a little peeved that Mommy didn't take him out to swing too

Friday, February 20, 2009

9 Month Stats

Gosh, time flies! I can't believe I already took my little baby in for his 9 month check-up (on Tuesday). He's on track physically and developmentally, which I probably don't have to tell you if you read any of my "All About Parker" series, but we are having some issues with ear infections. Unfortunately, Parker is following in his big brother's footsteps when it comes to ear problems and is going to have to get ear tubes too.

We took him to the ENT this morning and it's a definite "go ahead" for the tubes. The fluid build up in both ears is present and none of the antibiotics are causing it to go away, even the really strong ones. So, he is scheduled first thing Thursday morning. Since we have been through this twice already with Tristan we know what to expect and personally I can't wait until Thursday because the relief is so immediate.

Anyhow, I will keep everyone updated about the tubes, but here's his stats and a few pictures.

Weight: 22lb 10 oz (he's lost about a pound over the last mornth or so due not feeling well, but his weight is still good)
Height: 29 1/2 inches
Head: 18 inches

Sorry, don't have the percentiles this time around.

Completely asleep, but with arms holding on tight...he actually does this a lot

Chewing brother's golf club

There's a better shot

Playing his "drum"

Brief intermission from the drum cadence!

Sucking his fingers, another favorite thing to do

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Busy Saturday

On just a regular old normal day I stay pretty busy doing all the day to day tasks that come along with being a stay-at-home mom to two boys, but a couple of Saturdays ago I was REALLY busy!

The day started off with a birthday party we were to attend at 10 a.m., and getting anywhere by 10 a.m. is a challenge in itself. I suppose it wouldn't be so hard if all I had to do was load the kids in the car and go but no...we all have to wake up, Tristan needs milk first thing, Parker has to nurse, I have to get myself showered and dressed, feed both kids and myself breakfast, clean up from breakfast, do the dishes, get them both dressed, pack my diaper bag, get everyone and the gift in the car, etc. Miracuously, we were able to get all this done and leave the house a little before ten.

We headed over to Eli's house (the two year old whose birthday it was) and were only a few minutes late. Tristan had a blast playing with the other kids, but had the most fun during cake time. He is REALLY into birthdays now...he loves hearing the "happy birthday" song and blowing out candles, even though it's not his cake. He blew out Eli's candles for him and the weekend before he blew out his friend Emma's candles! I felt horrible! I didn't feel too awfully bad when he blew out Emma's because I had no idea he was going to do that since it took us some coaxing to get him to blow his out on his birthday but I guess he has the hang of it now.

So, when I saw him get near Eli's candles and the song finished up I knew exactly what he was going to do. Unfortunatley, I couldn't get to him in time to stop it. I don't think Eli really cared all too much since he was just ready to dig into the cake. And Tristan decided to help him out with that icing all over his hands and face, but amazingly he kept it off his clothes and came over to me to get cleaned up in between going back for more. It was hilarious!

My very own smurf!

Getting cleaned up

I finally got Tristan away from the cake and we headed home because I had told my friend Melanie I would watch her two girls, Ashley (9 years old) and Addison (1 year old), for the day. Parker fell asleep on the way home so I let him stay asleep in his car seat once we got home and I put Tristan in his bed for a nap. A few minutes after he went to sleep, the girls arrived.

So it was just me and two girls for awhile until the boys woke up. Parker woke up first and came out to play. I don't think he and Addison hit it off....she didn't take to him too well, maybe it was because first thing he did was crawl over to her and knock out her pacifier! After that she wouldn't let him get within 5 feet of her. So funny!

Tristan woke up a little later and I had 4 children to watch. It actually wasn't as bad as it sounds since Tristan just loves Ashley and she is so good to play with him nonstop so that I don't really have to watch him at all. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside, making brownies, smothies, eating pizza and I spent some time feeding two infants and putting them down for afternoon naps.

I think Victor was hoping that this experience would derail me from my hopes for one more child, but no such luck since it all went so well! Here's a few pics from the afternoon.

Ready to make some brownies...cheeseballs!

Ashley craking the egg all by herself

Look at that perfect egg!

Tristan watching intently

Looking up with admiration

Helping Ashley stir

What a great team

Here comes the brownie mix...look at Tristan's face

He couldn't wait to get his spatula in there

Probably so he could do this

Ashley had to give it a try herself

Tristan covered in sweets for the second time that day

What a face

Addison, Tristan and Ashley enjoying a snack

Checking Miss Addison out

Something sure was funny

Addison still laughing