Friday, February 20, 2009

9 Month Stats

Gosh, time flies! I can't believe I already took my little baby in for his 9 month check-up (on Tuesday). He's on track physically and developmentally, which I probably don't have to tell you if you read any of my "All About Parker" series, but we are having some issues with ear infections. Unfortunately, Parker is following in his big brother's footsteps when it comes to ear problems and is going to have to get ear tubes too.

We took him to the ENT this morning and it's a definite "go ahead" for the tubes. The fluid build up in both ears is present and none of the antibiotics are causing it to go away, even the really strong ones. So, he is scheduled first thing Thursday morning. Since we have been through this twice already with Tristan we know what to expect and personally I can't wait until Thursday because the relief is so immediate.

Anyhow, I will keep everyone updated about the tubes, but here's his stats and a few pictures.

Weight: 22lb 10 oz (he's lost about a pound over the last mornth or so due not feeling well, but his weight is still good)
Height: 29 1/2 inches
Head: 18 inches

Sorry, don't have the percentiles this time around.

Completely asleep, but with arms holding on tight...he actually does this a lot

Chewing brother's golf club

There's a better shot

Playing his "drum"

Brief intermission from the drum cadence!

Sucking his fingers, another favorite thing to do

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