Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So Tell Me

Alright, I keep hearing more and more that Parker resembles me, but I don't see it. I don't think he looks like Victor, but I don't think he looks like me either...I have heard he looks like my dad though! So, tell me what you think, is this what I would have looked like had I been born a boy? Can't wait to see what you guys think!

Monday, July 28, 2008

So Strong

My baby is growing up so fast; he's already doing so much! He's started cooing, smiling more (but I haven't caught it on camera!), anf of course moving and shaking. He's still rolling over from his back, working on rolling from his stomach and his head strength is just unbelievable. He can pretty much hold his head 90% of the time...he still has few "head-drops" when he gets tired after long periods of holding it up, but it's mostly all him.

Check him out below.

Look at that hint of a smile

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Random pictures from the last week

Some may call me obsessive, possibly annoying, about picture taking, but I don't care! I take pictures of my two boys almost everyday, even if it's nothing special. I think they will be happy when they get older to be able to look back and see their childhood in pictures. Check out these shots from the last week.

All ready to go swimming with Daddy
One of the rare times when Tristan actually sat in his high chair
Pointing out Parker's nose (a favorite thing to do)
Aaawwww, kisses for baby
Cutest baby ever

Look over here Parker

There's Mommy's bright eyes!

Peek-a-boo, where's Parker?
There he is
Not totally sure what Tristan is doing here
Parker's natural mohawk
Yummy fingers...he's always sucking on them since he refuses a pacifier
There's that Kadish bottom lip

Monday, July 21, 2008

Totally Ridiculous Baby Items

Alright, so I have been then before...a new Mom who doesn't really know what she needs and doesn't need, but I never in a million years would have bought any of the items that made this list of "20 Baby Products Great for Traumatizing Infants". Click here to check out this hilarious list!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

We felt bad for Tristan, so...

Yeah, it definitely sucks to be sick and have surgery, but is it really all that bad when you get a bunch of new toys out of the whole deal?

Tristan's Grandma Mildred bought him a new Elmo table and chair set a few days after his surgery, which he absolutely LOVES! A few of his freinds have table and chair sets and it is the first thing he goes to when visiting them. Originally I was going to put it in his room in the corner, but it has ended up in the living room (along with everything else it seems). He is always at his table drinking, eating, watching TV, etc. so it didn't make sense to move it. He actually now eats pretty much all of his meals at his table because he refuses to sit in a highchair anymore...such a stubborn little thing!

Amazed at something on TV

Keeping guard at his table

Yummy NutriGrain bar (a favorite food)

Modeling by his latest and greatest present

Exploring the endless possiblities of this new can also be a climber

Who needs chairs when you can just sit on the table?

Testing out the weight limit

Enjoying a nice breakfast

He didn't even spill any yogurt!

In addition to his new table and chairs, Tristan also got a slide that Victor and I bought him. And, I am glad to say this was also an excellent buy...he loves it as well! On the 4th of July he kept going up and down the slide at his friend Knox's house and we figured if he liked it that much he probably needed one of his own. We actually bought it a few days before his surgery so he got to play with it prior to feeling so lousy. He got up the rock crawl side on the first try and went sliding down immediately. After a few ups and downs he was able to jet up the crawl and down the slide within seconds and he has now mastered the art of climbing up the slide and scooting down the crawl side. He even ate his lunch at the top of the slide the first day because we couldn't get him off...silly boy!

Got up on his first attempt

Made it to the top

Peek-a-boo I see you

Not sure about that first slide down

King of the slide


And jump off

Enjoying his lunch atop his slide

Mmnnnn, good

Gotta wash it all down

All in all, two excellent buys and highly recommended products for any young toddler!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Outdoor Fanatic

Tristan LOVES to play outside regardless of hot darn hot it is. Even though his cheeks turn a bright rosy red and his whole head (and hair) are wet with sweat, he still begs to go outside on a daily basis! Now, this is idea of actually wanting to be outside in the heat is a very foreign concept to me since I am not what you would call the "outdoorsy" type and the moment I break a sweat I run inside for the cool air conditioner, but I am learning to compromise.

Due to the extremely hot weather we have had lately I try to wait until early evening to let him go outside and play (my compromise). We put his picnic table on the back porch and his Aunt Lizzie bought him a great sand table for out there too. We have also recently acquired a little water table and some other outdoor toys that seem to keep him pretty well occupied. Now my only challenge is keeping him from thowing a fit during the day because he can't go outside just yet!

Brace yourselves tthe multitude of pics below (sorry, they are a few weeks old because I got behind and didn't get these uploaded!)