Some may call me obsessive, possibly annoying, about picture taking, but I don't care! I take pictures of my two boys almost everyday, even if it's nothing special. I think they will be happy when they get older to be able to look back and see their childhood in pictures. Check out these shots from the last week.
All ready to go swimming with Daddy
One of the rare times when Tristan actually sat in his high chair
Pointing out Parker's nose (a favorite thing to do)
Aaawwww, kisses for baby
Cutest baby everLook over here ParkerThere's Mommy's bright eyes!Peek-a-boo, where's Parker?
There he is
Not totally sure what Tristan is doing here
Parker's natural mohawk
Yummy fingers...he's always sucking on them since he refuses a pacifier
There's that Kadish bottom lip
Goodness, Parker is really starting to change and not look like a "baby-baby" anymore. He is becoming his own!
Keep taking pictures. It's great memories your making for them. I know I love looking @ the ones Mom and Daddy to of Victor and me. Parker get the sucking of the thumb from Victor.
Love to everybody, Lizzie
Parker looks more and more like you! Tristan is as cute as ever!
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