Saturday, July 12, 2008

Here come the cute outfits, and hats too!

I am sure it is a well known fact that girl clothes are much cuter than boy clothes, but I try really hard to find the cutest things out there for my little boys. Yeah, I know it sounds lame, but I like them to look good...I figure I am only going to have a short amount of time where I get to pick their clothes and dress them how I want them dressed. Soon enough it will be all their decision and there's no telling what they will be wearing!

So not only are the girl clothes cuter than boy clothes, but the amount of half-way cute boy stuff decreases as they get older. It seems like all Tristan can wear now are shorts (plaid or plain, which seem to come in fewer colors now) and a t-shirt or polo shirt. The cute overalls and jumpers are a thing of the past for him, but not for Parker!!! He's getting big enough now to fill out his clothes and isn't living in just onesies and rompers, so get ready for a lot of future pictures of him in the most adorable boy outfits I could find! Check out these pics from last weekend.

Parker looks like a little old bald man

Is this not the cutest picture you have ever seen?

Contemplating something

Just chillin

Worn out from all the picture taking

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That second picture is just so cute! Parker holds his head up really well! He is such a cutie.