Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sonogram Pictures!

So we went in for our 12 week appointment yesterday and we got new sonogram pictures! The baby wasn't too cooperative because he/she didn't really want to show us his/her face, so we mostly have profile pics, but I'm happy with that. It is just exciting to get to see the baby.

We were officially 12 weeks and 4 days and the baby measured 13 weeks and 4 days...we are right on track according to the doctor and everything looks peachy! Our next sonogram appointment is on December 20th and that is when we find out if the new Baby Kadish is a he or a she. Now we are just counting down the days!

Enjoy the pics below.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Ladies Man

Yesterday my suspicions were confirmed...Tristan is definitely a ladies' man! I had my suspicions since he only lets women hold him (except Victor) and he can pick out a blonde woman in the room and within 30 seconds is across the room with her, but yesterday just puts the icing on the cake.

We went to the Children's Museum with our normal playgroup and Tristan stole his very first kiss. I guess he figured since Yana was the only girl amongst our group yesterday that he would show those other boys how it's done! Check it out below.

The meet and greet

Going in for the kiss


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkin Pics, Round 2

Since Tristan was not in the best mood at the aforementioned pumpkin patch (see post below), we ventured out to a second place today. We seemed to get more of the normal, smiley pictures today, but I still tried to do some editing. Once again, any feedback is welcome...

Photo Editing

So lately I have been trying to figure out how to "edit" my pictures to make them have that somewhat professional touch. Victor bought me Adobe Photshop Elements for Christmas last year and up until recently about all I have done with it is crop images and use the "auto fix" features.

I tried to take a couple of pictures of Tristan at a pumpkin patch last weekend, but he was absolutely not having it. Since he didn't smile in any of the pictures, I thought if I edited some of them then maybe I could make them look like those professional pictures you see where the baby isn't necessarily looking (and smiling) at the camera. Does that make sense?

I tried editing a few and posted them below. A lot are the same picture but I edited differently. Any feedback (critique) is welcome!

Congratulations Melanie and Ed

Late last night our friends Melanie and Ed introduced a new baby girl to the world. Addison Riley Donaho was finally born after a long labor, weighing 9 pounds, 2 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. We can't wait to go visit them today...congrats guys!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Caught in the Act

One of Tristan's favorite things to do is remove all the items from any cabinet or drawer he can get his little hands on. I now spend half of my day following behind him, picking up all the items he takes out. After I have it all cleaned up, he usually goes back to the cabinet/drawer and removes everything again. Even though it drives me absolutely crazy, he seems to have great fun doing it so I have yet to lock up all the cabinets! We do have a few select cabinets locked that have breakables or cleaning products...don't want to take a risk with those!

Lately it has been really hard to keep up with him because he gets into everything. If I turn my back for a second, he speeds off to our bathroom, where his favorite drawer is, and removes everything from it. If he is playing in the living room and I open up the fridge, which he hears me open (I think he has super-sonic hearing), he heads into the kitchen, just hoping that he can get to the doors before I shut them. Same thing with the dishwasher, he just loves to "help" Mommy load and unload the dishwasher!

Below are some pics of what I caught him doing this last week when my back was turned for that second or two!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A New Photographer

I have decided to switch to a different photographer, who I think is better and cheaper! She is going to take Tristan's one year pictures in November, but she took a couple of fall shots of him this past weekend. I think they came out great...check them out using the link below.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Countdown Begins

In less than 4 weeks Tristan will turn the big ONE! I started getting ready for his birthday party last week and it hit me, my "baby" isn't going to a be a baby anymore. Where did the time go?

During the last month ot two, he has grown so much and is now on his way to walking. Pretty soon, instead of carrying him in to places, he's going to be holding my hand walking! I know it's cliche, but time goes by so fast. I keep reminiscing about when he was first born and would just lay on my shoulder while I relaxed and watched TV. Now I can't get him to sit still to save my life. This child goes everywhere!

Last week he accomplished another milestone on his journey to full-fledged walking. He can now stand up all by himself, he doesn't need a wall, chair, cabinet, anything to hold onto. He just gets up on his legs, and pushes up with his arms, and viola, he's up!

I still get really excited when he learns something new like this, but a part of me gets sad, because I know he's growing up and he'll never be a baby again.

Cruisin' down the wall


A big difference from a few months ago

Look at me

Ready for the Texas - OU game