Wednesday, April 9, 2008

36 Week Checkup

Lots and lots of news!!! I went in yesterday for the first of my now weekly checkups and got some surprising news...actually, a couple of surprising bits of news.

Let's start with the not so wonderful news. I gained 7 POUNDS since my last appointment 3 weeks ago and now weigh more than I did at the end of my pregnancy with Tristan, a total weight gain of 31 lovely pounds. I had the doctor check my record with Tristan and I am 9 pounds ahead of where I was at the same week with that pregnancy...this was very depressing news. What was interesting was the nurse weighed me when she first took me back and then proceeded to take my blood pressure and surprise, surprise, it was high. So, we waited a minute and took it again and it was back to normal...I guess hearing my weight really spiked my blood pressure! Funny how things can impact your body so quickly.

Anyways, on to the more interesting news. My stomach measured to 37 and at my last appointment it was 32, quite a growth...maybe that explains the weight gain, or it could be all this water I'm retaining that's making my hands look like the "man hands" woman on that one episode of Seinfeld!

So here's the biggest news of all...Parker's heartbeat was 133 and I'm dilated to 3 to 4 centimeters, 75% effaced and at a -2 station, and I'm sure all of you know exactly what that means, right? Well, even if you are a doctor it doesn't mean anything for sure other than my body is preparing to have a baby. I could stay dilated at 4 cm for the next 4 weeks and go into labor on or near my due date or we could have a baby very soon! I was dilated to 4 when my water broke with Tristan, but it was my first pregnancy and it's normal to dilate faster on subsequent pregnancies. I guess only time will tell...maybe once I do go into labor it will at least be a fast one!

My prediction at this point is we have about two more weeks and after that, it's game time!!! I go back to the doctor on Tuesday, so until then, just keep checking back!!!

1 comment:

chelsea rose said...

Very exciting! Good luck, I can't wait to see pics of another adorable baby boy when Parker arrives.