Monday, December 8, 2008

Catch Up Post 8: What, no nap?

It seems that once your child hits the ripe old age of 2 he (or she) decides they no longer need their afternoon naps. A couple of my friends have been battling the nap issue with their 2 year olds and I am now joinging the battle with them.

I used to be able to get Tristan down for a good 2 hour nap around 1 o'clock every day, but now I can't seem to get him to take a nap for anything. As soon as I mention the word "nap" he starts to get upset and the battle ensues, even though he really is tired. I usually try rocking him either while he is thrashing around screaming or poking, prodding and playing with anything on or near me to distract me from the task at hand. What is it about these little stubborn, independent people that makes them think theydon't need a nap????

So on the days when I lose the nap battle I just let Tristan stay awake and wear himself. This usually results in him crashing somewhere around 4 o'clock in the afternoon and sleeping about 2 or more hours, making it near impossible to get him to bed at a decent hour. Over the past few weeks I have found him like this in the living room...too cute to not snap a few pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having this problem with Issys (15 months!). She wants to stay awake & play with Jerick (2.5 yrs) and will fight her nap time until she's miserable and then I am allowed to rock her to sleep. A few days last week she stayed up for about 10 hours & then slept for 12! (did you see my blog where she fell asleep at her high chair while eating?!) Good luck with nap time...Parker might eventually want to skip it too b/c Tristan skips it!
~Amy R.