Friday, December 5, 2008

Catch Up Post 7: Mini Marshmallows & a Yummy Sucking Thing

I promise once I get through all these "catch up" posts I will really do more blogging (i.e. actual writing), but for now you are just going to get a brief word or two and bunches of pictures!!

I took these pictures a few weeks back and after downloading and viewing them on my computer I realized how chubby and white my two little babies are...just like marshmallows, my very own mini marshmallows, but there's nothing cuter than those chubby, white rolls!

Where'd everybody go?

King Kong Tristan

Show me your teeth!
Hugs and kisses...this is a keeper

The classic "what" picture

Another hug for "baby caca" (Tristan still doesn't pronounce the "P")

On a totally different subject....I bought these little sucky mesh bag things when Tristan was about Parker's age that you basically stick any kind of fruit (or other stuff, I guess) in and your child can suck on them to his little heart is content without you worrying about them choking. I didn't really use them much with Tristan, but have decided to take full advantage of them with Parker.

I usually just stick pecahes, pears and frozen strawberries or grapes in them and he will just suck away...I am sure it tastes much better than his fingers or toys! I know he would like bananas as well but they are a huge pain to clean out of the mesh bag whereas the other fruits don't really get mashed into the mesh, making them a lot easier to clean out. Parker loves when I give him one of these to chew on and makes the most hilarious faces and noises while gnawing down...hence the reason for the multiple pictures below. I just couldn't decide which ones to post because they all crack me up!

These last two pictures make me laugh so much...check out Tristan's face in the first one. Can I say gangster wannabe? And Parker has such a cute smile (behind the sucky thing) in the second.


Anonymous said...

lol! I was looking at the first group of pics & I noticed your blow dryer in the background. I guess this still works to help put Parker to sleep, huh? ~Amy R.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wanted to mention how funny the pic is of Tristan's gangsta face! Break bread OR fake dead! - gangsta! lol!
~Amy R.