Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Long and lean at 4 months

Parker went to his 4 month checkup this morning and got an A+, for the most part. He is on track, plus some, developmentally since he is already rolling over both ways, has found his feet and hands and has begun teething (I think...he has been drooling for at least 2 months and is now biting everything!). The doctor and the nurses all mentioned how strong he is...the nurse giving him his shots even had to bring in an additional nurse to hold him down since he kept wiggling around and rolling over. The other nurse even made the comment that he was the strongest 4 month old she has ever seen! He is going to be sitting up and crawling in no time.

He weighed in at 13 pounds and 13 ounces, down to the 30th percentile from the 50th at 2 months and measured 26 inches long, in the 80th percentile. My baby is definitely long and lean, and ready to eat some foods. The pediatrician said she would like to see him go back up to the 50th percentile for weight and he probably went down due to his non-stop activity. He is so active all the time that he burns up a lot of calories, so we are starting cereal tonight and veggies next week. Yum, yum!

1 comment:

The Quinn Report said...

Goodness, I can't believe Parker is that old already! I also can't believe that I'll be in your shoes within the next few months...crazy!