Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blog Addict

I have sort of become a blog addict in the last year...I like to read my friends' blogs and then click on the links they have to other friends blogs and read them, especially about 4 or 5 parents of quadruplets. Some of these blogs have a traffic feed, a tracker that shows the location (city and state) of people who connect to their blog from another web location. It is really interesting to see how many people from other cities, states, even countries read their blogs.

So, I thought it would be neat to add a live traffic feed to my blog. If you type in my actual web address I don't think it tracks that, just if you come from a web link. Don't worry it doesn't show your name or actual location!

I am interested to see what locations come up on mine! You can check it out for yourself by scrolling down a bit and looking to the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also read about the quads..especially the King's. Can you imagine carrying 4 babies inside of you?

BTW..I am supposed to find out today about the presentation. I will email you later.