Saturday, June 14, 2008


Over the last month or so Tristan's vocabulary has really started expanding. Up until about 18 months he had about 15 to 20 words that he could say and he has at least doubled, if not tripled, that now. He tries repeating all the words he hears us say, some of which don't come out quite right. His version of Parker sounds a little more like "caca" (we won't remind everyone what this means in Spanish!), although, the other day he got more of a "cacar" sound he just needs to get the "p" sound out and it will be pretty close.

Some of his favorite words are:

dada - Loves to say this word and Daddy loves to ask him "who's more fun, mama or dada?" and Tristan's response is always "dada" in a loud voice with a big smile on his face while he looks me in the eye!

hi - This was one of Tristan's first words which he's known for about 7 months or so and which he tells everyone all the time, still!

bye or bye bye - Another one of the early words with which he is still obsessed, except now he really knows the right times to say "bye". He tells me "bye" when Daddy takes him off to bed for the night, when someone, especially Daddy, leaves the house, when a car drives off, when I drop him off at his Grandma's house to play (usually accompanied with a door shut in my face)

happy - Tristan's actual first word...surprisingly his first word was a two syllable word and he said it the morning we took him in for his 12 month shots. He must have heard "happy birthday" so much in the preceeding weeks that he picked up the first word.

toe - Tristan loves to point at his, Parker's and pretty much whomever's toes he can get to and exclaim "toe"!

shoes - His new obsession, shoes...I guess it's only fitting that he be able to say the word too. He is constantly bringing me my shoes if I'm not wearing any and gets quite mad if I don't put them on, so I usually comply in order to avoid a meltdown. Let's just say I look pretty funny in sneakers and girly pajamas! He also likes to bring me his shoes and point to his feet to indicate he is ready to go outside.

all gone - Aahhh, one of my favorites. He throws his hands up to the sides and flips his wrists out and says "all gone" whenever he finishes his food or empties something out. So cute!

no - Aahhh, not one of my favorites. Sometimes he just walks around saying "no" for no reason other than to hear himself talk, other times he says no as he touches something he knows he's not supposed to touch and still other times he says it to me or Victor with conviction when we do something he doesn't want done. He stops, looks at us, scrunches his nose up, points his finger out and says "no" in a stern voice. I wonder where he gets that from?

yea - His favorite response to just about anything you ask him, whether he means it or not.

baby - Whenever he sees Parker, he points at him and says "baby".

ball - Anytime he sees a ball, no matter if it is a golf, basketball, soccer or toy ball.

nose - Another one of my favorites because Tristan says it in a little, sweet voice and points to his nose when I ask him "where's your nose?". By the way, he can also point out his head, ears, mouth, tongue, fingers, belly button and toes (as already mentioned).

pa pa - What he calls grandpa. He doesn't even call me mama..he can say mama, just doesn't call me that!

i love - We are practicing "i love you", but so far we only have the "i love" part.

car -
Tristan loves to point at and say "car" when one passes us on our walks in the neighborhood.

elmo - A recent addition to his vocabulary and a new obsession. He has a tickle me elmo that Grandma Mildred bought him which he brings to you when asked "where's elmo?" He also can't get enough of Elmo's World on Sesame Street every is the only show that can keep his full attention for any period of time. Needless to say, we have already started our Elmo's World DVD collection...actually, his new DVD is what's keeping him occupied so that I can write this post!

mine - And finally, one of Tristan's favorite words! Everything is "mine"! The other day I found him in Parker's room climbing up on Parker's rocking chair and saying "mine" repeatedly.

Hmmnnn, this chair looks comfy

A perfect fit for me

Yep, definitely comfortable

This should be "mine"

What? It's not "mine"? I thought everything is "mine"

Here's what I think about that

Fine, I don't want it anyway

Take your stinkin chair

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