Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tristan's 18 Month Check Up

Today we took Tristan to the pediatrician for his 18 month check up...can you believe he is already 1 1/2 years old??? He will be turning 2 before we know it! He only had to have one shot, which he did great with, no big drama, just a little cry and that was it...much different than a year ago when it took 30 minutes to calm him down after his shots. Our pediatrician said he's on target with his development and he's just an active little boy, but we already knew that second part. The kid doesn't ever stop moving.

Our big challenge, along with having a new baby any day, is that I have to get Tristan off the bottle. The doctor said we need to just take it away, which I probably should have done by now, but it has just been easy to keep giving it to him. Although he drinks juice, water, smoothies, etc. from sippy cups or cups with a straw, he still really likes his milk from a bottle, but I guess he is going to just have to suck it up. She also said that taking the bottle away will probably cause him to drink a little less milk (he still drinks 20 -24 ounces a day) and may make him a little hungrier at mealtime. So, this ought to be interesting...a new baby to share the spotlight with and he can't have his bottle. Tristan is going to have a rough time!

Finally, here's the stats:

Weight: 28 pounds 6 ounces, 85th percentile
Height: 34 inches, 90th percentile
Head: 19 inches, 80th percentile

On a side note, after typing out Tristan's height and weight I am trying to imagine what it is going to be like holding an 8 pound, 20 inch baby...Parker is going to be like a fourth of the size of weird to think about!

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