Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We celebrated Halloween yesterday (of course) with the cutest doctor and spider you have ever seen. We trick or treated at my parents house since there are a ton of kids in their neighborhood and the minimum age in our neighborhood is like 65! We had a lot fun even though it seems like all of us are suffering from allergies..four runny noses and sore throats is not my idea of fun!

Despite not feeling 100% the kids had took Tristan a house or two to get the hang of trick or treating but then he had it down! He even helped pass out candy at my parents house and is a huge fan of lollipops. He took those inside and DID NOT hand them out to the other kids!

I posted a bunch of pics below..some are from earlier in the day and some of last night. Sorry I can't write more about our Halloween but both of my children are requesting my assistance in the only way they know how...screaming!!! Stay tuned for more posts throughout the weekend!

1 comment:

The Quinn Report said...

Oh, they are both so cute! I thought about making Tavin a doctor next year too.....Dr. Quinn (he-he!)

Sorry about the birthday party yesterday. Salem hadn't had a nap in 4 days and didn't sleep well the night before. Needless to say, she was exhausted and we actually had to wake her up after 3 1/2 hours....YIKES! Plus the time change might have thrown her off a bit too. Anyways, hope it all went well and I'll call you today to hear all about it!