Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One of the cutest faces you've ever seen!

My "little baby" turned 16 months old last week, and I seriously think he gets cuter and cuter every day! Victor likes to joke that he was a little scary looking when he was first born, but he sure is cute now...I know, it sounds horrible, but I think he means it in a complimentary way...Parker was just really swollen when he first came into this world, guess that's what happens when a 22 inch, 9 pound baby is all squished up like a ball in his mommy's tummy!

Anyhow, just wanted to share a few recent pictures of Parker since I haven't posted much lately, for which there is a good reason...I still haven't got a new "diaper bag camera" to replace the one Parker threw in the potty, and I don't like to haul around my big camera from place to place. But don't worry, I think a replacement is coming soon since my birthday is this weekend, so the days of blog posts with tons of pictures will soon resume! Enjoy these few for now and check back soon for lots of new posts, with lots of pictures, hopefully!


Courtney said...

He has hair!!! Did that just happen over night?

Samantha said...

Yeah, I guess some time in August he just started sprouting a bunch of hair...still doesn't have anywhere near as much as some of his friends his age, but he's on the right track now!

Melissa said...

He does have a cute little face! I just want to squeeze his cheeks but I don't think he'll stay still long enough to let me do it:)

The Aldrich's said...

What a cutie he is!!!! Can't believe how fast he is growing!