Monday, September 28, 2009

My Eating Machine

Have I mentioned that Parker likes to eat???

Seriously, this kid is going to live up to the "going to eat you out of house and home" phrase! If Parker is not sleeping or running around exerting more energy in 10 minutes than I have for the whole day, then he's EATING...maybe that's why he has so much energy?!?!?!?!

When he gets upset about something and won't calm down, all I have to do is offer him a little snack and he's as happy as can be. As soon as he wakes up in the morning he drinks his milk, but the second after he polishes that off, he heads to the kitchen (blankets in very own Linus) and goes straight to the cabinets, points his finger up and says "bowl". And of course, I oblige his one word request that I know means to fill up his bowl with cereal (Corn Pops are his fave) and he carries it to the living room and begins to chow down. Sometimes he decides he wants more, at which point he goes back to the cabinet points and says "more". He also loves to go to the pantry and pull out exactly what he wants to eat and bring it to me.

He is definitely a more adventurous eater than Tristan has ever been, but he still has own peculiarities and won't try everything, but lots more than his picky brother! Funny thing is that he doesn't seem to like any of Tristan's favorite foods, like bananas or turkey...true opposites!

I recently discovered a new love for him...ketchup. He LOVES the stuff, especially on his chopped steak/hamburger meat or just licking it straight off his finger, which majorly grosses me out! He also loves to sit in his chair while he is eating and throw his fork or spoon, put his hand over his mouth, and say "uh-oh", all while looking at me with his giant eyes. Yes, I know it sounds cute, but when it happens at least 10 times at every meal the cuteness begins to wear off, lol!

I guess I can't complain because at least he does eat well, even if I do have to fetch utensils the whole time. Hopefully he will grow out of his food allergies soon and he willbe able to enjoy even more yummy stuff!

Enojying some corn on the cob at Rudy's...corn is one of his faves!

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