Monday, September 7, 2009

It's September and that means back to school!!!!!!!!

Last Tuesday was Tristan's first day back at school (aka Mom's Day Out)! He had been talking about school for the last couple of weeks, constantly repeating that he wanted to see his friends and every time we drove past he would yell out "there's my big blue school!"...the school isn't really blue but the tarp that covers the front playground is blue and I guess that is what he was really focusing on!

The Thursday before school started up we had meet the teacher night and Tristan was the first child in the door to school and the last one to leave his classroom, he was so excited! We got to meet his new teachers, check out the bathroom (a very important thing to Tristan at this age, gotta see the potty!), find his cubby in the room, and of course, play with the toys. His class, the 2 year olds, has 2 teachers and 12 kiddos, 8 of which are boys...I feel sorry for those teachers!!!

He's one of the oldest kids in his class since his birthday is only 2 months after the September 1st cut off, so I am hoping and praying that he behaves and is nice to all the other (younger) kids. Although, if he doesn't behave, I have my very own little spy for who can fill me in on all the daily happenings. Tristan's little friend, Kinsley, is in his class this year and after the first day of school her mommy asked her what she did at school, to which Kinsley replied that they played, sang songs, ate lunch, took a nap, all the normal stuff but added in one other piece of info that my son neglected to tell me when I asked him how school was that day. Kinsley told her mommy, "Tristan got in trouble" and her mommy naturally asked "why?", to which she answered "he pushed" and then her mommy asked "who did he push?" to which she, in all her 2 year old wisdom answered, "somebody"!

After hearing this story from Melissa, Kinsley's mommy, I asked Tristan if he got in trouble at school and he answered yes, like it was no big deal. I guess he just left that part when I had asked him how his day was! But, I am happy to report that he did not get in trouble on Thursday...we'll see if he can keep it up!

So, when he's not getting in trouble for pushing at school, he's really busy learning. The kids go to gymnastics, music, children's church, fine arts, play outside, do arts and crafts, have story time, eat lunch and take naps....busy, busy busy! After his first day at school, he came home and went back to sleep (I had to wake him from his nap at school to leave), and he slept another 2 hours. He never ever did that last year!

My favorite thing from school this week has been listening to Tristan singing " The Wheels on the Bus", a song they learned during music time on Tuesday...he sings it complete with hand gestures and all. It is so cute, I am really going to try to capture it on video this week. I can't wait to see what this year of school brings for him and am excited to see him growup into my big 3 year old!!!

Here's a few pics from his first day!

Backpack on (sort of) and ready to head out the door!

Wondering if Mommy was going to let him take the sticker off hi new shirt to school with him..nope!

Way more proud of the sticker than anything else that morning!

Closest shot of him with his backpack and lunch box as I could get

Standing by Mommy's car, waiting to go inside

Making himself at home with the toys in great thing abotu school is that he can play with the play kitchen, which he loves and doesn't have at home because "he's a boy, and boy's don't need kitchens" (Victor)


Melissa said...

lol! Leave it to Kinsley to keep Tristan in line:)

The Aldrich's said...

LOL..I agree with Melissa! You've got a secret spy on your side! :) So glad he is enjoying school!