Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Favorite Phrases

I really wanted to document Tristan's developing speech, so I thought I 'd share a couple of his favorite phrases that he uses quite a bit. It's amazing to have seen his speech devleop so incredibly much over the last few months. I can remember so clearly when he was just getting out a couple of words, now he's got all kinds of words and is putting them together to make sentences. Can't wait to see what the next few months bring...we'll be having a full-fledged conversation!!!

"Mommy/Daddy, get out of the bed"

"Come on baby" (directed at Parker)

"Here ya go" (When handing something to you)

"I did/do it"

"Mommy, Daddy, Baby, TeTe" ("TeTe" is what he calls himself)

"Alla, TiTi, Maks" ("Alla" is supposed to be abuela for Grandma Mildred, "TiTi" is what he calls Victor's aunt and "Maks" is is Max, the dog)

"PawPaw, GiGi, Uncle WiWi" (my Dad, Mom and brother)

"I like " (usually whatever he sees or hears at the moment)

"Bye, bye, see you later"

"Want some?"

"It's broke"

"I get out"

"Go that way" (pointing in the direction he wants to go)

I am sure there are more that I am forgetting, but these are what come to mind at the moment!! And since I know lots of you come to the blog to see pictures I'll leave you with this one of my little (grown up) boy.

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