Thursday, April 30, 2009

So Frustrated...

Okay, I'm going to vent here a little bit in hopes that once I am done I will feel a little better. We were supposed to have Parker's birthday party this Sunday and I had to cancel it due to the dreaded swine flu. Yes, the not so big town of New Braunfels is right smack dab in the middle of one of the outbreak areas with 8 confirmed cases in Guadalupe county and many more "possible" cases. Both school districts in town are completely shut down until May 11th, as our most day cares, the library, parks and many more places.

When I heard the news that the schools were shutting down on Tuesday night I immediately knew that the party was going to be a definite no-go. Now, I of course don't want my kids to get sick nor do I want any of my friend's kids to get sick and avoiding a party with a bunch of kids running around is probably a good step in the right direction to keeping everyone healthy, but I am still really bummed. I feel like I have worked hard to put together a really cute jungle safari party and was really looking forward to this weekend, and now it's just gone. I know it sounds petty, but I spent a ton of time finding the perfect jungle stuff to put in the pinata, found a great pinata, scoured the Internet for the perfect plates and napkins, reserved a jump castle, found fun arts & crafts activites to keep the older kids entertained, put my Mom to work making the perfect jungle-inspired birthday outfit and "designed" the cutest cake. And now I feel like it is all for not and my baby (which is probably the last baby I'm going to have) isn't going to get his well thought out and planned one year birthday party.

The thing that really irritates me is that I scrambled last week to get Parker in to my photographer to do some cake smash pictures so that I could get a picture collage in time to put out at the party and have some cute thank you cards made. My week was so hectic with having just about the entire house painted, getting a horrible stomach bug from my kiddos, and my A/C going out that I really didn't need the stress of doing cake pictures (which shouldn't be stressful but it seems that all picture sessions with an infant are stressful!). Luckily, the pictures came out really cute and I got a great collage, which arrived at my house today and I posted the proof of below.

Now I'm just hoping that we get to reschedule his party where I can put out his collage, use all the stuff I bought, eat the fabulous looking cake that is to be made (the cake in the pictures is a mini-version of the real deal for the party minus the jungle animals that will be on top of the cake), send out Parker's super-duper cute thank you cards and most importantly, celebrate my baby's first year of life! I know I'm probably over-reacting and it shouldn't matter whether he has a party since he won't remember it anyways and it would be just as special if it was just us and close family, but it just really has me riled up! Then what irritates me even more is that I can't seem to find a good re-schedule date that works with schedules until like mid-June!!

Okay, so that is my rant, sorry to bring anyone down but I needed to let that out...hopefully it doesn't sound too crazy/superficial/obessed since I should just be happy that my kids are safe, healthy and happy (which I am thankful for).

I hope all of you are staying healthy and you enjoy Parker's cake smash picture collage (click the picture to make it full screen)!


Linda said...

Whew!!!! Glad you got that out of your system.
Be thankful you have healthy children! Have Parker's party another day with his friends..he won't know the difference. Have a special party for him ON his birthday with your family.

Stay calm....deep'll all be okay!

chelsea rose said...

Well, I'm sorry about the birthday party....I hope you feel better after venting.

Also, I love the cake pictures...too cute, especially the one where he's about to put the tree in his mouth. The cake is so beautiful. Did you make it? I would have had a hard time watching the destruction:)

Courtney said...

You know, if you weren't so out of control with every last detail, it wouldn't have been so much work...and so hard to postpone! :-) Not that I have room to talk...but just a thought...

Our kiddos aren't even going to remember ALL the crazy stuff we do...and when they are old enough to remember they'll be wanting to do it they're way anyway...

Hope you guys stay pig kissing!

Samantha said...

Thanks for the words of advice. I think it just bothers me because I am a little bit of a control freak and have absolutely no control over this situation so it really gets me worked up!

Chelsea--No, I didn't make the cake but I designed it in my head and know a lady who works at the dealership who makes cakes on the side who brought my vision to life!!! She is really talented, she made the palm tree herself out of gumpaste and is making an elephant, giraffe, zebra etc. for the actual party cake.