Friday, January 23, 2009

You Tell Me

I can't seem to figure out what color I think Parker's eyes are so maybe you guys can help me out. Up until a few weeks ago I thought they were going to stay blue, not a bright see them from the street blue but more of a dark subtle blue, but now I just don't know.

Sometimes I still see that blue, but some times they look grayish, other times I think they are turning brown, then still other times I see greeny hazel and a lot of times I see that dark blue but with a hazel brown center and flecks. It also depends a lot on how close up to him I am or the lighting (as evidenced in a lot of his photos). I think eye color is supposed to set in by 9 months and we're just two weeks away from that so hopefully his eyes will pick a color and stay! Check out these couple of snaps from a few weeks ago and let me know what you think. If you click the picture it will enlarge so you can get a better look.

And, don't worry another "All About Parker" post is coming up soon.


chelsea rose said...

I can't tell. I know that they can still change later, though. I had green eyes until college and then they turned blue.

Anonymous said...

I think their eyes change with the color they are wearing..makes them bluer with vivid blue clothes...etc...

Whatever his cute eyes will be...he will be just as cute.

Courtney said...

If you can't tell looking at him everyday, how am I supposed to tell by looking at these pictures? I'm going to guess greeny hazel...let me know if I win so I can claim my prize.