Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas Pictures - Picture People

You may have noticed in my Christmas decor post, and I know for sure that one person did, that I had Christmas pictures taken of the boys (I can see the surprise on all of your faces right now). Mildred and I took the boys to Picture People in the mall at the very beginning of December to get a few shots.

This had to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life...I thought it was hard last year when I just had Tristan and was pregnant with Park, but beleive me that was a piece of cake compared to this year. To start off, Tristan didn't even want to go into the picture place because he spotted the water fountain outside the store first and he is completely obsessed with anything that has to do with water. After finaling corraling him inside he refused to step foot onto the backdrop and screamed and cried the whole time. We decided to take some pictures of Parker first since he was easier...well, I say he was easier but every time I set him down he kept leaning forward to get onto his stomach and scoot around.

After we got a few shots of Parker alone we tried again with Tristan. Of course, he was still giving us a hard time. We ended up having to throw balloons in the air and photographer snap pictures in between the balloon was absolutely ridiculous!! I have to say though, I was very impressed with the photographer and the other lady helping her because they were much more patient than I ever would have been. I was ready to give up and call it a day, which we finally did after like and hour and a half.

I was sure that there was no way we could have got any decent ones of Tristan, much less the two of them together, but surprisingly, we did. Now, I wouldn't say the shots of the two of them are perfect award-winning photos by any means, but they definitely capture how the two of them interact on a daily basis at this age. All in all I was extremely happy, especially for what those poor ladies at Picture People had to work with!

My Two Boys
This cracks me up because Tristan always rubs/pats Parker's head, usually because he sees Victor or my Dad doing this

Sweet kisses, but Park doesn't agree

That's a better expression from Park

I think this might be the only one that they are both looking at the camera

I think Parker is trying to get away from Tristan's drum banging

I guess they were tired, or screming, who knows!

Peek-a-boo, pay attention to me, not the baby

Tristan: I think these would look better on my brother's head"


Both are it for some reason

On two totally different planets

Obviously Parker could care less about what Tristan is doing with those ornamnets

Just Tristan
His standard clapping picture

That's a genuine smile!

Picture perfect

My future drummer

I don't even what to say what I think he looks like he's doing here!

No smile but the only pic in this outfit

Only Parker
That's a Kadish lip for sure, all bottom and no top
Oh no, he's after the drum's definitely going to be loud in our house

I think this one's award winning...just love it!!!

Look who it is...Santa!!!

The marathon long picture session plum wore him out
Chubby, wubby

If you look closely you can see the drool coming out his mouth, love it anyway

Parker: How come I can't get these socks off?"

This ornament just might be a little too big to get in his mouth, what do you think?

My very own peppermint candy cane
These ornaments probably fit better
My big eyed baby
My favorite hat!
He looks like a doll here!

There's baldy
And finally, the "Enforcer", that is what my Dad calls this picture!


Anonymous said...

haha, that was me! i'm so observant...err, nosy! I'll own up to it. Love the pics! I know it's hard to get them together, you leave the session sweating, wanting some water and dreading the long drive home. You're lucky to have your mom-in-law help you. ~Amy R.

Courtney said...

Love it. Can't wait to see January's photo shoot! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I remember those days of picture taking! UGH!!! I think the picture turned out great! Cute as ever!