Saturday, January 17, 2009

All About Parker - Part 2

Are you ready for your next dose of Parker? There's no video but bunches of pictures, enjoy!

A Total Momma's Boy

So, I finally have MY baby! As you know, Tristan is a total Daddy's boy and pretty much always has been. But, Parker is all about MOMMY! He's just now starting to go to other people...for the longest time if anyone else was holding him he'd pretty much cry if he saw me or heard my voice but as soon as I grabbed he'd be perfectly quiet and happy as can be. Up until a few weeks ago if I was holding him he'd never put his arms out to go to anyone (and he still rarely does but it has happened recently that he wanted to got to Victor). And if anyone else was holding him and I came near him he'd automatically reach his arms out to me.

A sight I have become used to

I have to say, I absolutely LOVE it! I love having a child that is all about me...I am sure it will change as he gets older but I am going to relish in it now while it lasts!

Mommy lovin' on Baby Park

Two goofballs

Aahhh, there's a good one

Even better, we're smiling

Are you tired of us yet?

Did I mention I just LOVE this little guy? And I think he likes me too!

Happy, happy

Alright, this is the last one, I promise

The Chewer

Parker has been drooling and chewing on anything he could get his hands on since about 3 months. It didn't matter what it was, he'd chew on it. I actually think it was him that caused my cell phone to stop working earlier this week. I took it in to the Sprint Store since it kept powering off and they told me that water had gotten into the battery. I knew it hadn't been dropped or submerged in any water and the only thing I could think of was that when Park gets a hold of my phone it goes straight to his mouth, along with all the slobber and drool! Funny, I would have thought Tristan would be the first of the two of them to break a cell phone!!

Chewing his duck

Trying to figure out how to get the whole thing in his mouth

Nope, still not working

Giving it the good ole fashioned college try, but he just can't find a way to fit that whole duck in his mouth!

Chewing on a toy

A boppy pillow...hey, whatever works right?

Of course, the remote

One of his favorite things to chew
Not sure if he is chewing or licking it, but he's for sure trying to get it in his mouth!

Socks...not sure how comforting these are on his gums

But, if he has them on he pulls them right off and sticks them in his mouth

I've reached the point that I dodn't even put them on anymore unless we are going outside and he has to have them

Showing off his bare feet

With all the drooling and chewing I was sure that he was going to have a tooth by at least 6 months, although I wasn't looking forward to it because of the nursing thing! Well, 6 months came and went and still no tooth, then 7 months, no tooth. Finally a few days before Christmas I felt his bottom left front tooth poking through his gums...I was so excited when I felt it and then a little worried how it was going to feel if he decided to bite me. I now know how it feels and I can tell you, it's not so good! About 10 days later his bottom right front tooth poked through and now he has two cute little bottom teeth.

Do you see those two little teeth?

I think teeth change the way babies look...not bad, he just looks different, not so babyish!


Courtney said...

He just gets cuter everyday!

The Quinn Report said...

His eyes look like a dark blue or gray to me!

What did you all end up doing on friday? Come to find out, I do just have TERRIBLE seasonal allergies. I've been feeling the same way every morning and night; so, I'll have to call you to schedule a rain-check!