Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Yes, I know, I just had Tristan's one year pictures taken and I am already getting more pictures (Victor reminds me of this daily). The thing is that Tristan's birthday and significant milestones (like 3, 6 months, etc...) just happen to fall close to holidays, so it's not really my fault that he has to have so many pictures so close together!

With that said, we went to Picture People in the mall yesterday. I decided to go to one of the chain places because they have all the Christmas props and you view and receive the pictures the same day. I think this picture session was probably the most challenging yet...although Tristan was in a great mood and hammed it up for the photographers, it proved quite difficult to get him to stay in the picture area. I used to think it was hard to get pictures of him once he started crawling, but have now decided that was a piece of cake. I spent the whole time chasing after a walking/running baby who thought that we were playing chase every time he ran off and I followed him, scooped him up and put him back in front of the camera.

By the time we were finished, I was dying of thirst and ready to sit down. As I waited to view the pictures (the photographer had to download the pictures), many of the other photographers kept coming out to tell me how cute his pictures turned out. So, I sat anxiously, getting more excited each time I heard this from a photographer. After you have spent the last 30-45 minutes chasing a maniac one year old around wondering if it is going to be worth it, the promise of a good picture gets you really excited. Finally, the photographer came out and I got to view his pictures, which I absolutely loved. In the end it was all worth it.

Just to brag a little...I had to sign a model release so they could use his picture in the studio. Check the pics out below.


Melanie said...

i just love the pictures...those santa pants are just to cute!

Anonymous said...

He is just too cute. I think he should be on a cover of a magazine!

Linda K.