Thursday, November 15, 2007

Working on a Full Set of Chompers

During the last 4 weeks it seems like Tristan has popped out a new a new tooth every time I look in his little mouth. Up until about 11 months he had 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom) and it had been this way for about a month and a half, which I was perfectly happy about. Teething has got to be one of the worst experiences for a parent, and the baby too!

But of course, we didn't stay in this pleasant teething-free zone for long. In early October the drooling, waking up at night and not wanting to eat set in again. I thought maybe those two other bottom teeth were finally going to rear their pearly heads. Nope! It was worse than that, Tristan's 1 year molars started coming in. First he got his top right, about 2 weeks later his top left molar, then another week went by and both his bottom molars came through. By his birthday, he had all 4 molars, but was still missing the two bottom front side teeth, you know, the ones next to your bottom teeth.

Once again, we didn't have to wait long for those to show up. A few days after his birthday his right one came in and the left one broke skin a day or two ago. So now, he has 12 teeth...only 8 more to go to complete his first set of teeth!

Now, you are probably expecting some pictures of his pearly whites to follow, but that is just near impossible to catch with a camera, even a fast one like mine, so you will just have to suffer without pictures for this post!

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