Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Not much going on here...

Well, we haven't done much of anything for the last few days since Tristan has been sick with a cold. Yep, that's right, Tristan got his first cold. At first I was kind of upset that he was sick (because I thought maybe if I had nursed him past 5 months, he wouldn't be sick), but then I realized that he made it almost 7 months, through cold and flu season, and just now got a cold...I think that's pretty darn good!

His cold has not been fun for either of us. His poor little nose was runny, his cough sounded like a walrus and his eyes were weepy. The doctor prescribed a decongestant/antihistamine and breathing treatments 3 times a day to help break up the congestion. Needless to say, the breathing treatments were not his, nor my, favorite times of the day! There was a lot of crying (or should I say screaming) going on during those 5 or 6 minute sessions, but at least there was no pain. Tristan just didn't like the air being blown in his face.

Tristan being sick probably wouldn't have been so bad, but it was compounded this week with his teething. His bottom left tooth is finally starting to cut through, I can definitely feel three sharp, pokey edges when I rub my finger on his gums. That tooth has waken both of us many times in the last few nights. Hopefully, it will rear its pretty, little head within the next week, so that he can get some good sleep!

Well, even though not much has been going on here, that doesn't stop me from picture taking. Here are a couple of pics from the last week or two that I hadn't posted yet.

1 comment:

Erick and Amy Rodriguez said...

Hi Sam! Tristan is too cute! You know, Jerick had 3 teeth come in at once also. He was miserable for almost 1 week. We found that giving him the homeopathic teething tabletss (found at H-E-B) then some orajel (nighttime formula) a couple times a day really help alleviate the pain. He drooled all day long, but at least he felt good doing it!