Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekend Fun, Part 2 - Train Show and the Riverwalk

A couple of weekends ago we headed to downtown San Antonio to check out the traveling train show (thanks for the info Courtney!). There were lots of exhibits full of super tiny, medium and large scale trains and even a little Thomas the Train ride for the kiddos, although Tristan did not ride it...he was content just watching th other kids on it!

We walked around the whole convention center checking out all the exhibits with Tristan repeating "train, train" and "chugga, chugga, choo, choo" the whole time.

A little video of Tristan saying "chugga, chugga, choo, choo", at the top of his lungs, of course

Daddy and Tristan next to one of the trains

One of the neat trains

Tristan pointing out the trains above him

Watching very intently, both of them

Catching a ride on Dad's shoulders...a much better view!

Parker was not quite as interested in the trains, but was oh so good in his stroller!

Look how Tristan stands, hand clasped behind his back, such a little boy
The two of them next to Tristan's favorite train...

Here's the real reason it was his favorite, it had a mini roller coaster that was zipping around

We stayed at the train show a little over an hour and then went down to the Riverwalk and decided to take the kids on the boat ride that goes through the whole riverwalk. Now, I haven't been on the boat ride in at least a couple of years, but it seemed like it took forever, so maybe they have expanded it in the last couple of years or maybe it just seems longer when you have 2 kids with you. Nonetheless, they had a good time! After the boat ride we ate at a great Mexixan food restaurant and then headed home with two worn out kiddos!

Tristan and Daddy on the boat

Mommy and Parker

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