Sunday, June 28, 2009

School Fun Day

Here's another post I am way behind in getting up...In mid-May Tristan finished up his Mom's Day Out program for the year. He had such a great time there and I am so glad we signed him up. Even though he had a rough time at first (took him about 6 weeks to get acclamated), once he got used to it, he LOVED school!

Although school only consisted of a few hours twice a week it sure was a nice break for me, and him as well! He made some good friends and learned a lot. They have such a great program that included gymnastics, music, children's church, outdoor play time, special guests (like Zoo Man), class parties and so much more. His teachers made a really cool CD that showed pictures of the kids throughout the year during various activities which was a really nice keepsake from his first year of school. Unfortunately, the file is way too large to share with you on the blog, so you guys will have to settle with the pictures below from the last day of school which was an outdoor fun day for all the classes.

Tristan and Parker ready to hit up fun day!

Tristan doing his "ta-da" pose with his best buddy, Kaeson

Ready to ride the "train"

And they're off

Tristan's buddy Peyton

I had to post the next couple of pictures because they crack me up. I was trying to take a picture of Tristan and his two friends, Kaeson and Peyton, and let's just say I was not all too successful at getting them to all look at the camera...I guess boys will be boys! Actually, I'm pressed they all stayed inthe same place long enough for me to take this many shots!!

Kaeson, Tristan and Peyton...two out of three looking at the camera, Peyton was way more interested in his snowcone

Okay, so now Peyton is looking, but something else caught Kaeson's eye and Tristan just looks worried about something

All of them completely distracted!

Love the finger in the ear Kaeson!

Classic, totally not interested in my picture taking

I gave up after this one!

At least Baby Kolby posed for me

I think Kaeson got fed up with pictures, he was ready for some more action!

Yep, not happy about the picture situation

Tristan checking on hi s bud

Having a blast

Trying to climb the cage into the petting zoo

Big grins

And an even bigger grin because he was about to ride the pony

Woohoo, ride 'em cowboy

And he's all set to go!

Showing off his gymnastics skills inside

With Coach Sue

The bean bag walk

Sliding down, I think...

I feel I have to preface this last set of pictures with some background info. Tristan made a lot of new friends at school this year, but there was one or two friends he was quite fond of. Each day when he was getting ready for school I would ask him what he was going to do at school and each day he answered me the same, "kick Colton and kiss Katie". Now, Colton was his little friend whom he liked to wrestle with in class...they actually really liked each other and just liked to play rough. And Katie, well it might have been his first crush!

When I would pick Tristan up from school I always asked his teachers how he did and the usual response was that he and Colton played rough and one of them ended up in time out or that they had to separate Tristan and Katie because they were hugging and kissing! And Katie just happens to be the daughter of one of the associate pastor's, oh boy are we going to be in trouble!!! They were just really drawn to each other and it was really cute!

So, when we were at Fun Day, Tristan and I (and Parker) were coming outside from gymnastics and Katie happened to be walking in the door to go inside at the same time. I stopped for a second to chat with Katie's mom while Tristan began to head out the door and within this brief second Katie had turned around to follow Tristan out the door. Her mom and I just looked at each other and laughed. Those two then proceeded to run around together outside until we separated them because it was time to go!

Tristan and his (girl) friend, Katie...LOVE this picture

Following wherever she goes

Ready, set, go, cotton candy in hand

Here they come again

A farewell hug, until they see each other again!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I love that about Katie!! How cute. And I love the pic of him on the pony with one hand in the air....a real cowboy!