Apparently, I have quite a bit of amniotic fluid, which is why I feel like I have popped out so much with this baby. With Tristan I always measured the same as the number of weeks and at the end I was about a week behind...I knew I was going to show faster with the second, but I am hoping I don't look 36 weeks pregnant when I am 30 weeks! I guess all that fluid is the reason I feel like my hands start to swell when I have them down by my side for an extended period of time and I have gained about 5 pounds more than I did with Tristan at this stage.
Anyhow, the doctor said she would continue to measure my stomach and if it grows to 4 to 5 weeks ahead of schedule she may need to do another sonogram towards the end to see if we need to deliver the baby a little earlier than my due date.
So, these may or may not be the last set of pictures of Parker! Check them out below and let me know what you think...Victor thinks he looks like Tristan, same nose and lips! I don't have any good facial shots of Tristan at this stage to compare them to because he was very uncooperative during our sonograms (hhmmnnn...just like he is during picture sessions now!).
Aawww...look at that face
There's that lip
So sleepy, big yawn
One more check to make sure it's a boy...yes, FOR SURE
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