Monday, April 23, 2007

A big accomplishment!

Tristan has reached a huge milestone...he can now sit up on his own!!!! Up until recently he would always push up to stand when we would try to sit him down and now he is staying seated and balancing himself. He began sitting about 2 weeks ago, but still needed help from Mom and Dad, in the last few days, he's started keeping himself upright and playing with toys. He has even caught himself from falling a few times when he grabs for a new toy.

Speaking of grabbing for things, this child is interested in everything! He grabs hair, earrings, noses, cheeks (and that's just on your face). If he is near a plate on the table, he gets that in his hands and he is quick about it! He thinks everything is toy and he wants it. Victor and I can't even drink out of a cup or bottle (water or beer) near him, because he wants to grab it. Since he was so interested in other cups, I gave him a sippy cup recently and he picked it up and started drinking. I have only tried a little bit of water in the cup so far, but am going to try some juice in a few weeks (after his 6 month checkup).

Tristan also definitely knows his name when he hears it. When Victor comes in from work and calls Tristan's name, Tristan turns his head to look for him. It is amazing just how smart this little boy is.

This past week, we went to the park to check out the swings. Tristan really enjoyed the swing and started giggling when I pushed him in it...I'm sure we will be getting an outdoor swing at the house soon enough! Just what he needs, another toy!

Well, I guess that is about it...I can't believe he is growing up so fast...just think, he will be crawling next. Check out the new pics of him sitting up and some other things.

1 comment:

kadish said...

Tristan looks everyday more like Victor. I see him and all I think is that I'm looking at my brother.Lot's of love from Aunt Lizzie