Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer of Swim Continued - Our Annual Beach Trip

I mentioned in my last post that we have spent a LOT of time in the water this summer (and who wouldn't when you live in South Texas!)...a few weeks ago we opted to take a break from the chlorinated pool water and made our annual trip down to the Texas coast to get wet in some salt water!

We only go once a summer to the coast and we only stay two days, but we try to make the most of the time we have and the kids were SUPER EXCITED to go. We talked about the beach the whole week before we left and pulled out all the beach toys. Parker found a shovel he wouldn't part with and carried it around everywhere the entire week, including to his bed at night. Finally the day came for us to leave and we packed up the car with clothes, toys, snacks, the kids and of course, Parker's shovel!

Parker ready to hit the road

Tristan excited to go

It's a good thing the coast is only about 2 1/2 - 3 hours away from us because I might have gone crazy otherwise! Actually, the kids were pretty good the first 2/3 of the way down, but that last 1/3 of the way was enough to drive anyone crazy! We left around 6:30 after Victor got off of work so by the time we were getting close to Corpus it was already dark and I was starting to fall asleep but Parker had other plans for me. Every 2 seconds he would say "Mommy", and if I didn't answer him he would just repeat himself, getting louder each time. After I answered him, he would just keep telling me "BEACH", very excitedly. Yes, this sounds cute, but when you are just about to fall asleep, and a yelling "mommy" sound wakes you up every minute to which you reply and just get the word "beach" in return, it will drive you insane! Needless to say, I ended up not sleeping!

But we got to our hotel within the hour and got ourselves settled and off to bed since we had a big day out on the beach the next day. The kids woke up bright eyed and bushy-tailed..even Tristan! They were ready to go and already in the normal playing mood...

Yep, this is how boys play!

We got the two of them off of each other long enough to get them in their "swim clothes", as they call it, and headed down to the beach. We spent all day outside and they loved it, although it did take them a little while to get used to the sand on their feet. Parker loved walking up and down the beach, digging in the sand and chasing birds, while Tristan thought jumping the waves was the cat's meow.

We ate our lunch under the canopy and Parker even took an afternoon snooze with Daddy before we headed back to our hotel to clean up before going to dinner.

We had a great time, and stayed cool in the water...can't wait for next year's trip!

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