Monday, May 10, 2010

Wrapping Up December, Finally!!!!!

Alrighty, last part of December....hhmmmnnnn, what do I remember? Oh yeah, it was really COLD!!!!! The last week or so of December was pretty chilly (at least for us down here, we consider it cold), so the kids were nicely bundled up every time we ventured out that week.

On most of the colder winter days, you wouldn't catch Tristan out and about without his trusty blue hat. I bought this hat for him because it was similar to a baseball cap and I figured it would be the best shot at getting him to wear a hat during winter, and I was RIGHT, he loved his hat! Plus, it had flaps to cover up his ears...although it did kind of make him look like a lumberjack, but hey, who cares, right? He was nice and toasty on those cold days!

And of course Parker had a favorite hat too, and naturally his was more of a discussion piece. He went with the more "traditional baby hat" know, chin strap, pointed up, ball on top, and some pretty blue stripes to "cap" it off. He looked so darn cute every time he had it on, because he just looked like this giant baby walking around with this cutesy hat on, LOVE IT!

And of course they both wore their hats when they were out cruising the Jeep. At least it was sunny a couple of those cold days because driving the Jeep was all these two kids wanted to do!

Ready to put it in reverse and hit the road

Attempting to climb up the mountain (the pool construction at the old house provided for some good rugged terrain)

Woohoo, they were having a good time

The smiles kept coming

Getting a few driving reminders from Daddy

Always look back before going into reverse...

Hhmmmnnn, Parker looks a little worried!

Didn't last too long, he's having a blast now

And they were off

Making sure Mommy was watching

It usually helps if someone is looking ahead...

Looking for some good tunes on the radio

Oh yeah, and Parker did take a break from riding in the Jeep in order to create a masterpiece...and since drawing on paper is just not exciting enough for him, he decided his own skin really is the ultimate drawing canvas!

And do I consider myself lucky on this...I had already taken his shirt off (knowing that something like this was about 99% sure to happen) and I caught him early in the act, otherwise he would have been covered in purple marker from head to toe. Always an adventure with this one!

So, that offically wraps up December of 2009! Woohoo, on to 2010!

Stay tuned for a few more monthly summaries!

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