Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh Wow, Where Has The Time Gone???

So, yes I realize I have officially been the worst blogger ever, and I was reminded of my blogging absence recently (Hi Amy!!!). Anyways, life seems to be moving in overdrive lately and I find myself barely able to capture the wonderful memories my kids are making, much less getting around to documenting them! (And here comes the "but"!)

BUT, I am really going to try to get back on track! I can't seem to let myself just skip over the past 4 months and start from where we're at now, even though I know this would be the easiest way to go and probably what I should do. Unfortunately I can't seem to let myself do that...

And since I'm not in the mood at the moment to start working on the tedious catch up task that lies ahead of me, I thought I'd start by sharing a tidbit of a recent event with you, Parker's 2nd birthday party!!! Yes, I realize I will now be all out of order on my events (which really drives me crazy by the way), but maybe getting this post up will drive out my inner blogger!!!!

Enjoy! More posts to come "soon"!


Amy Cranfill said...

Hi Sam!!! Soo good to see you!!

Linda said...

Love the new blog look!

Have a great week!


The Aldrich's said...

LOVE the new look on your blog! Yes, I've missed your weekly post too! I'm trying to catch up myself..yikes! :)