Monday, February 22, 2010

Fall 2009 Happenings

In additon to Disney, family pictures and checkups we stayed pretty busy this past fall. The holidays (posts forthcoming), packing up the old house, working on new house plans and actually moving took up quite a bit of our time, but try explaining that to a 3 and 1 year old! So, we continued on in our normal day-to-day, and I tried to snap a few pictures along the way!

Parker spent the rest of 2009 enjoying popcorn balls! Long story short, he ate a popcorn ball at a Halloween party and fell in love with this new food. He's always liked popcorn, but these balls had a sweet coating on them and came in the perfect hand-held size for him. So naturally, the day after Halloween I headed over to WalMart and bought two big cases (50% off) for him and he enjoyed them throughout the end of the year!

We also spent some time outside painting with our favorite gal-pals, Kinsley and her little sister Leah, and their great Mommy, Melissa! Tristan and Kinsley go to Mom's Day Out together and have been friends since they were about 6/7 months old (we met in Water Babies swim class). Kinsley is a tad bit more reserved (it's a girl thing) than Tristan, but he loves to hang out with her and I think she likes playing with him too, lol! The funniest thing about them is that Kinsley is the ONLY person that Tristan has never hit/kicked/punched...I don't know what it is, he's always so sweet to her! And, he's pretty good with her little sister Leah, always giving her sweet kisses...I'll have to remember to get a picture of that next time!

All 4 kids LOVED the painting and it actually kept their attention for quite some time. Tristan and Parker mostly worked on one masterpiece together while Kinsley created her own, and little Leah watched and crawled over to the paints as fast as she could, but she couldn't quite get there before Mommy! I saved Tristan and Parker's masterpeice and am thinking about framing it to put up in the playroom at the new house...

Please excuse Tristan's "plumber crack", lol!

Of course we had to get some sleep in between all that was going on in the fall and I couldn't resist taking a few quick shots of my very own "sleeping beauties".

Oh, what can I really say about this picture??

Now this picture, one word: SWEET!

Parker got creative with his toys since we seemed to be stuck at home a lot, working on this or that. He kind of has an obsession about putting any and everything on his head and then looking at you and saying "hat"...seriosuly, forks, cups, anything is a "hat" to him!

Tristan and Parker also got pretty close over the last few months and LOVE To play together. They chase ach other around the house, on foot and on their cars, until one of them poops out and needs a break. There are plenty of fights over toys that Mommy gets to break up, but they are pretty good in general and seems to like having each other as a playmate!

And finally, Parker spent some time in the refrigerator!

He actually decided to try out a new foods, specifically waffles! Which have now become a favorite breakfast food ! He refused to eat them until some time in early December and now he wants them all the time.

I started out one morning by asking him if he wanted to help make waffles and got him the stepstool to stand on at the kitchen island...he was quite excited! We made the batter and put them in waffle iron and voila, he decided to give it a little taste, but not without being complicated! There was a lot of clapping and cheering after bites, by me and him. And, he had to have two plates, one with a plain waffle to take bites from and another with a waffle with syrup to stick his fingers in lick from...this waffle was not eaten, it was simply used for dipping fingers into. He has just recently decided he can eat the one with syrup and now only needs one plate of waffles, and he lets me cut it up now! Silly boy!

Well, those were a few of the "other" things that kept us busy, next up, some holiday posts. Guess I am slowly getting back on track!

1 comment:

The Aldrich's said...

what great memories! Love the painting outside..wish it was warm enough for us to do that too..soon! Your boys are so precious!