Tuesday, August 11, 2009

15 Month Check Up

I took Parker in for his 15 month well child check up and all is good in "Parker-land"! He was so good at his appointment and didn't even really cry when he got his shots...I told the nurse that his big brother has probably inflicted more pain on him (by accident most of the time) than any shot could ever do!

He's on track developmentally. He knows his name, can take his shoes off (which he does all the time!), can say a few words (more, up, go, mama, dada), starting to learn his body parts, follows simple directions (can throw his cup in the sink after he's done with it, picks up a toy if directed to), walks and runs, jumps (can get both feet off the ground on the trampoline and almos there ont he floor), and so much more. Seems like these days, he does whatever Tristan does...sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes not!

My only concern that I mentioned to the doctor was that he eats ALL THE TIME. His appointment was at 9 this morning so he had 8 ounces of milk when he woke up at 7:30 and a whole bowl of oatmeal plus some corn pops before we left. While at the doctor's office he polished off at least 1/3rd a sleeve of Ritz crackers and a ton of Cheerios, all before we left at 10 a.m. I told his doctor that I thought maybe he had a tape worm, and I wasn't kidding! He eats so much but isn't overweight by any means, just normal sized (or at least in my mind he is). But apparently he is growing like a weed and his body is just trying to keep up with his growth and all his nonstop activity!

Here's my big boy's official stats and a picture I snapped the other day (sorry about all the flash in the picture).

Height: almost 34 inches (99th percentile)
Weight: 28 pounds, 1 ounce (89th percentile)
Head: 19 inches (79th percentile)


Anonymous said...

Wow! You've got a big boy on your hands. He's so precious. I giggled when I read his stats. he's bigger than Issys on everything! - she'll be 2 in August. lol! ~Amy

Anonymous said...

Hey girl looks like parker might pass up tristan on is going to be like your dads side of the family...he is sooo cute!!! :) -melanie