Friday, October 9, 2009

"Seriously, It's Time to Go Inside Now"

I feel like I am always telling my boys this, but they constantly want to be outside. What is it about kids and the great outdoors??? Personally, I prefer the nice cool A/C and comfy couches inside the house rather than the hard pavement and the always hotter than it "should be" weather outside, but what's a Mom going to do?

End up outside, of course...and if we're going to be outside, I'm at least going to snap a few pics!

Parker heading over to "his" bike

Tristan, about to throw always!

It's always the little things that amaze him...this twig (or whatever it is) was his best friend for like 30 minutes!

Close up!

Silly boy

He finally broke that twig thing

Parker, deciding to walk the rocks, just like he sees his big bro do

And jump off, just like brother

Found an airplane

His "say cheese" smile...lovely isn't it???

His GQ pose

The best way to watch what your brother is doing is by standing on top of seat on top of three wheels...yep, that's completly safe!

Loves to do this...maybe because he knows it is slowly turning my hair gray

Tow peas in a pod


Linda said...

Tristan really looks like Victor in these pictures...oh so cute! I can't get over how big your boys already are...just seemed like yesterday you were telling us you were pregnant with Tristan...time just flies by...

AND...IT'S A BOY!!!!!!! Megan found out on Friday...a ultrasound tech took a peek for her on Friday and she said it just was very obvious on the shot they got...just love love love babies!!!!

Becky said...

Now I can see how Parker resembles Tristan. They have very similar profiles.

chelsea rose said...

Boys at play are so cute:) I gave you an award on my blog. Visit my blog and check it out.