Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tristan is getting tubes...

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for the Kadish family...Tristan has to get tubes put in his ears. Over the past month and half he has had a recurring ear infection that just won't drain out properly and has been on several antibiotics. Unfortunately, his ears just won't drain and the fluid persists. Our pediatrican referred us to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) for a consultation and he receommended getting tubes. We saw another ENT for a second opinion and he recommended the same.

The procedure is supposed to be fairly simple and is the most routinely performed procedure in the United States. He does have to be put under anesthesia, but only for about 10 minutes. The doctor(s) said he should begin feeling better that night due to the alleviated pressure and will probably get fewer ear infections in the future. There really aren't any negative side effects to speak of and the tubes fall out within 12 to 18 months. We just have to keep water out of his ears the entire time he has the tubes...that means ear plugs in the bathtub and pool, but that is a simple price to pay to make him feel better!

His appointment is at 7:30 Thursday morning and both Victor and I are anxious to get it over with and things back to normal. I went ahead and scheduled him a follow-up for Friday morning so the doctor can check his ears out and make sure all is good. Based on that appointment we will see whether or not we will fly out on Monday for vacation. All of the doctors have told us that children with ear tubes have no problems flying, actually it is easier for them because they don't have to worry about the popping, but we just want him checked out to make sure.

Like I said, I am anxious for it to be over and done with, but am also looking forward to Tristan feeling, and sleeping, better. I will post again after the procedure to let everyone know how things went.

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