Friday, May 15, 2009

Sweet Success!!

I am feeling pretty good about myself right now. Today is the second full day of "teaching" Parker how to sleep and I think I now have a star pupil!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I began the "cry it out" method with Parker to get him to put himself to sleep and utlimately, to just sleep. He has to put himself to sleep for two naps and at bedtime and I have tried to be very regimented about when these naps occur according to when I think he shows the first signs of being tired. Previous to my commitment to this method, my poor baby was just way overtired and I was rocking and soothing him all night long with limited actual sleeping success unless he was sleeping right next to me in our bed. Needless to say, the child had only slept more than a 4 or 5 hour stretch twice in his entire first year of life. I was still getting up with him at least 2 times every night, and not to eat, just wanted to be comforted and not be in his bed! He would not nap to save his life and I could rock and rock him but as soon as I would move to put him down he'd automatically start crying.

But it appears that this might be past us. I am proud to report that last night he went to bed at 7:30 and did not stir until 6:40 this morning...this is the first time he has ever truly slept through the night. And, he did pretty well today with his naps and tonight's bedtime, very minimal crying, except for his afternoon nap but I think that was because I laid him down a little too early. Once he did finally go to sleep, he slept for almost 2 hours...practically unheard of for my "on a good day 30 minute napper"!

I cannot believe a couple of very painful (for me) letting him "cry it out" spells has seemed to fix all of my sleep issues with him. For those of you struggling with sleep issues with your little ones, may I recommend a book titled "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby", so far, it has made a whole new baby out of little Parker. I can't begin to tell you the difference I have seen in him today...such a better mood, less clingy, overall very happy, all because he's getting some good restful sleep!!!! In fact, he was so asleep I was able to snap these two pictures of him today during his morning nap and tonight after he fell asleep.

Only cried for a minute or two this morning before he crashed

Same thing tonight


Anonymous said...

Great Job! I know I was not supportive because I am a big push over when it comes to the kids but you did an amazing job. You are the rock of our family and we love you very much.

Victor, Tristan & Parker

Anonymous said...

Great job! How did it go last night? ~Amy R.

Samantha said...

He did great last night. I put him down at 8:30 and he was asleep within minutes with maybe 30 seconds of crying. He woke up around 2 or 3, cried for a minute or two and went back to sleep until 6 this morning. I got up then to get him milk and within the time I was getting it ready he was pretty much back to sleep, but I got him out of his bed to give him his milk and then put him in bed with me and he slept until 8:30. This book I read said it was okay to put them in bed with you when they get up for their morning milk as long as it's night all night long.

He is actually asleep right now, just laid him down at 1:06 and he was asleep within a minute, no real crying. Amazing!!! He's only going to take one nap today since we were not at home during his morning nap time, but I am hoping he takes just one long nap. Guess I'll see how it goes.

Melissa said...

I'm so proud of you! All you're hard work is paying off! Sweet dreams!