Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Little Astrology...

I saw this thing on where you put in your child's birthday and it tells you a little about their personality as a child. I put in Parker's birthday and here is what I got:

Young Taurus:
Children born under the sign of the bull are calm and pleasant, consistent and practical. Being cuddly and affectionate, Taurus children enjoy physical contact. Endowed with a gentle nature, they can nevertheless be extremely stubborn.

Taurus is ruled by Venus - the planet of love and beauty - and Taurus can be seen as the most sensuous of the signs. The little ones are sensitive to colors and sounds and to a harmonious environment; they care about what they eat and wear and appreciate the finer things in life from early childhood on.

Taurus children won't be bullied into anything they don't want to do. If they feel forced they turn stubborn and won't give in to anything and anybody and will always hold their ground.

Most Taurus children are likely to have a naturally beautiful singing voice and a very melodic way of speaking. They should be encouraged to take part in any musical activity offered, be it singing in a choir or learning to play an instrument.

Collections and possessions are rather important to Taurus children and they love toys and things they can collect. They even like to take on little chores for money and save what they earn. They can become little money makers at a very early age.

Taurus children are extremely loving and sensitive. Physical signs of affection are especially important, and they enjoy receiving huge bear hugs from an early age. Taurus' are strong, and they will learn to make the best huggers in the world.

In general, your child is loving, generous, tender, sensitive, and for the most part, well behaved. Just make sure you don't push him too hard or force him into anything he doesn't want to do. He will process things on his own time.

I thought this hit the nail on the head and some parts, not all, reminded me of someone (i.e. myself), even though I am not a Taurus. Funny thing is I was just saying today how stubborn my little Parker is and here this thing is talking about stubborness! Some things really hit home:

-extremely affectionate and a cuddler: Parker loves to be near someone and be held. If allowed, he will sleep practically on top of you
-so, so stubborn: I am in the process of "sleep training" Parker, something I've never had to do before and one of the hardest things I've ever done. You see, Parker is an absolutely horrible sleeper. He wakes up all night, naps for maybe 30 minutes and all in all is probably extremely overtired all the time. He definitely does not get enough sleep and refuses to nap. He won't go to sleep unless someone is right there with him and that just isn't possible all the time so he would just rather go without sleep, the subborn little baby that he is. After about 6 months of this (his first 6 months of life he was a great sleeper) I've had enough and am completely exhausted, so I have decided he must learn to sleep! I started last night with the "cry it out" method, putting him in his bed with the expectation for him to soothe himself to sleep and stay asleep. Last night didn't go so well, his stubborness won out over my patience, but I continued on today with two set nap times and a bed time using the "cry it out" method. The first nap time was ROUGH (an hour and a half of crying), the second was better and I am proud to say that he is currently asleep and only cried for about 10 minutes and was then asleep within another 10. We'll see how the night goes tonight and what the weekend has in store for us. Hopefully, all will go well, wish me luck on this!
-possessions: he is starting to become a little attached to a blankie...I kind of have a soft spot for blankies as loveys since I had one forever!
-generous: he is always giving his toys or whatever he can get his hands on to anyone else who is around

This was so interesting and spot on I then put in Tristan's birthday, and here's what I got:

Young Scorpio:
The Scorpio child is full of mystery and beauty. This child will demonstrate remarkable sensitivity to others, beginning with infancy. You will be amazed by the attachment you feel to this child! More than any other sign, Scorpio is capable of feeling and expressing need, the proverbial still water that runs deep.

The passionate nature of Scorpio is known the world over and this sign is well adapted to expressing intense emotion. Artists and writers are very often Scorpios, as are actors and musicians. The inner depth of this sign is unfathomable, and if you help Scorpio children sort through their powerful emotions you will find yourself in the presence of striking and compelling personalities who give much more than they receive.

The younger years are calm given Scorpio's reputation. In fact, Scorpio loves to be a child. This is because there is so much to absorb and learn about the world, and so much love to soak in from parents and family. Scorpio's need for love cannot be overestimated, and you would be wise to show your love through taking the young Scorpio to museums, plays, bookstores, parks, and anything else that will capture their interest. To give a Scorpio something to explore is to give them a lifetime of satisfaction.

Other children may not be as passionate as yours, and therefore your Scorpio child may relate more easily to adults who have already found their passion in life. These relationships may be of great value to them long-term, although strict boundaries must be observed so that they can retreat to their own peer group whenever they feel like "just being a kid" with no explanation necessary!

I felt like this one was pretty accurate too! Tristan definitely displays intense emotions and loves to learn and understand things. As wild and crazy as he can be, he is truly a thinker and analyzer and cautious in his own right. I like to say that he is a "calculated risk taker"...he's definitely a boy so he acts wild and crazy but you can always tell he thinks about his next moves, always analyzing and determining the approriate course of action. And lastly, I have noticed that he sometimes gravitates towards older children more than those of his own age...maybe he feels like there is more to learn from them, who knows!

If you'd like to check out your own child's birthday results, click onthe link below:

Hope you enjoyed this fun insight to my kiddos and found out something about yours!

1 comment:

BeckyPhillips said...

This worked for me. Take away the bottle, pacifier, anything that can get lost in the night. Put him in the bed and walk away. After 10 minutes, go back, talk to him, soothe him, anything but pick him up. Repeat as necessary. If he wakes in the night, follow the same procedure again. Third night, my angel slept all night, and that was the end of that.