Monday, May 18, 2009

Sea World

The week before last, the same day we had Parker's birthday celebration, we also took the kids to Sea World. We have been a couple of times this year already (Tristan absolutely LOVES Shamu), but this was the first trip that I remembered to bring my camera and take some pictures, and for good reason...we were meeting my friend Yolanda and her little boy, Isaiah, who is about 6 weeks older than Tristan.

Yolanda and I used to work together before I had Tristan and we were actually pregnant at the same time and had adjoinging offices at work. It was so wonderful being pregnant together and I so enjoyed having her right there with me day in and day out. We became such good freinds and I could always count on her to calm me down and make me feel better when I went through one of my first-time being pregnant worry periods, and I still rely on her to do the same thing for me on everything else. I always know when I am super stressed out or need someone to make me feel better, just who I need to call!

About three months after she had her little boy she and her family moved to Washington D.C. and I have only seen her once since then, although we stay in contact over the phone, but it's not the same. But, I am so excited because they are moving back to San Antonio this summer!!!!

She and Isaiah happened to be in town last week for a family wedding and we all went to Sea World. The kids had a blast and I think Tristan and Isaiah are going to become good buddies once they are able to play together more often...we can't wait for you guys to move back!

So excited to be on the way to see Shamu

Parker wondering what all the fuss is about

Where's Tristan?

Oh, there he is!

Wearing Daddy's hat

Tristan and Isaiah next to a giant Clydesdale (a fake one!)

Making a break for it

Both fascinated by the water fountain...of all things

Complete love for water, couldn't take their eyes off the water

Posing (sort of) next to the race car...not sure why this is at Sea World, but good for a picture nonethess

Hehehe, look at baby

Mommy and Tristan on the Shamu coaster

Time for another picture...we just couldn't get these two to cooperate, look at those faces!

Not my best picture but totally priceless!

At they're not scowling in this one!!

Yolanda and her baby

Another one of my not so good pictures, but I do like the shot of Victor and the kids...only reason I'm posting it!

Tristan showing Shamu some love...I'm telling you, Shamu is his FAVORITE!

Big smiles

Well, we tried

"Whoa", as Shamu jumped out of the water

Soaking the audience...don't ever sit in the bottom half of the stadium unless you want to get drenched

Riding the "waterboat ride" (as Tristan calls it)

Playtime in the water area at Shamu's Happy Harbor

No, he's not picking his nose, just doesn't like water in his face


Look at these two

Isaiah running through the water...he had a blast

Mommy "running" Tristan through the water as he covers his eyes

Love it!

The two water lovers

Couldn't get enough, they spent like an hour in the water area

Tristan playing, I think with his eyes closed, he's really going to have to get over that!

Against my better judgment, I let him get up here

Then he never wanted to get down

Anyone else notice anything funny in this picture???

Yolanda and Isaiah right before we before we left the water area
Tristan asleep before we even got out of the parking lot
Total mouth breather...a future blackmail shot!


Linda said...

Wow...Yolanda looks good..and her son is so cute! You can tell her that her former office is full of 12 packs of soda, carts, boxes and the laminating machine. Looks like ya'll had lots of fun.

Linda said...

What was Tristan doing with his pants down?????

Linda said...

Or is that Tristan???

Samantha said...

Definitely NOT Tristan!!!! I just though the picture was hilarious when I saw it...not sure what that kid was doing, hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Oh I wish I hadn't lost touch with Yolanda. It's great that you two are so close to this day. She looks great! (as do you, despite what you say - I think you look great!!). Tell her I said Hi & to call me sometime. I lost her number. Looks like the boys had fun! Can't wait to take our kiddies to sea world. ~Amy R.