Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Miss Blogging!!!!

Okay, here it is August of 2010 and I have 13 posts for the year...PATHETIC!!!! I guess this could mean two different things: 1) we haven't been doing anything and have absolutely nothing going on in our lives and thus I have nothing to say (fat chance) or 2) we have been so busy that I can't find the time to blog about all our happeneings...hhmmmnn, sounds a little more on the money!

But, I'm officially back! I was looking at my blog the other day and it made me sad that I couldn't pull it up and look back over the last few months and see pictures of the kiddos and read about what I was thinking, or we were doing at the time:( I've also noticed that I seemed to remind myself more to take pictures of all the little things when I was consistently blogging...I have been a bad picture-taker this summer, can you believe it?

So, with these things as my motivation, I am re-commiting myself to my blog. I am going to start with current posts and go forward from there. As far as the first half of 2010 goes, my hope is to put together some posts that sum it up behind the newer posts so if you are interested in seeing those, then you'll have to scroll dow past the new stuff. This is more for my own record-keeping, so it may take me awhile since my main goal will be to stay current. Wish me luck!

Check back for a post, with video, about Tristan's swim lessons!

1 comment:

The Aldrich's said...

Ha, I was beginning to wonder if you'd given up blogging after all...:) I haven't posted much either but I'm getting back in the swing of things. Looking forward to your future posts!