Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun at GiGi and PawPaw's...A little overdue

Maybe this will be one of the last posts that I have to preface with "this is about 2 months overdue" since I think I am close to being caught up to the present day, but we'll just have to wait and see for sure!!

Anyways, around Christmas my parents finally got the playscape they bought from their neighbors all put back together (thanks to the help of my brother who was home for the holidays). Their neighbors sold them the playscape since their little boy had outgrown it and it just needed a little sprucing up. They dismantled it and moved it to my parents back yard and then my mom refinished the wood, ordered a new canvas cover for the top and the sandbox and bought a new swing. It had been sitting in their backyard for awhile ready to be put back together, so when William (my brother) was here during Christmas time he took charge.

So in essence Tristan (and Parker too) got a big surprise Christmas present at GiGi and PawPaw's house, which Tristan just loves!!!!

Uncle William pushing Tristan on his new swing

Tristan loves to swing high

King of the playscape

Weeeee, going down the slide

Swinging with GiGi

Parker took a turn in the swing

Just soaking it all in

Tristan even got GiGi to go down the slide, and she fit!!! That slide is not all that wide, not made for adults!

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