Wednesday, February 11, 2009

All About Parker - Part 4

It's finally here, the last post in the "All About Parker" series and it's a great (and long) one! I'll admit, this post is about 2 months over due seeing how some of these pictures were actually taken towards the end of November, but I promise to be more dilligent in recording these milestones! And since this particular milestone doesn't just occur overnight (more of a progressive one) I can illustrate Parker's progression over the last two months all in one post!

My Mobile Mini

So let me take you all the way back to early November when Parker was about 6 months old, he was sitting up all by himself (for about a month at that point) and was just beginning to lean forward onto his hands. He did this for a few days and finally leaned forward enough to get on his stomach. Not soon after he started inching around to reach objects just out of is grasp.

As the days went by and the month of Decmeber came he progressively got better and better and there wasn't a second in between the time I sat him on the ground before he was on his knees ready to get something he just had to have.

Sometimes this resulted in a flop over to the back, but he was always in good spirits about it as long as he got what he was going for!

By 7 months (early December) he could turn himself around on his stomach a complete 360 degrees, he just hadn't figured out to move his knees and arms together to crawl. So I guess he decided to put the official crawling thing on hold for a little bit since he found a new love, getting up on his knees from a sitting position and trying to pull up. One day all of us were in Parker's room playing with toys and I decided to put Parker in his bed for a few minutes (you know since he's never in there!) and he immediately pulled up to his knees to look over the side. At this poitn Victor and I decided we should probably lower his crib (hopefully be sleeping in there someday soon!).

From this point on if Parker was sitting near something he could feasibly use to pull, then that's what he would try to do.

So, he continued the pulling up thing all throughout the month of December in addition to figuring out how to get his little arms and leg in synch to crawl. The week before Christmas (about 7 1/2 months old) he was up on his arms and knees all the time rocking back and forth but no real synchronized movements. On Christmas day he figured out how to sit back up from laying down/rocking on his knees and that was just the little edge he needed. After that things too off. The next day he started making slight crawling movements which I caught on video.

His slight movements turned into bigger ones and on January 2nd he finally pulled himself completely up from the ground. He just loved(s) standing up and looking around. I really think that he sees Tristan moving around all over the place and wants to do what he's doing. I was so amazed at how fast he was learning to do all this, he wasn't even 8 months old yet. I guess I don't remember Tristan being this mobile this early...maybe it was because Tristan drug himself all over the place for the longest time before he started to use his knees and crawl in the traditional way...I guess it worked for him but it sure looked like it took a lot of effort!

By early January, when he turned 8 months old, he was all over the place, albeit not anywhere as fast as he is now! He reached and pulled up everywhere and for anything and hasn't stopped yet.

This video is from January 8th, his 8 month birthday...look at him go!

He practiced all week and just got faster and faster and went all over the place. He was even stopping while he was crawling and pushing up with his back legs to try to stand...I am so not ready for him to walk yet. It's bad enough that I already lose track of him crawling, I can't imagine how hard it will be when he's walking around chasing his brother!!!

That last video was from January 18th, almost 3 weeks ago and he is all over the place even more now. Unfortunately I don't have any more recent video of himcrawling but I do have some pictures getting into everything!

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