Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Case of Pregnant Brain!

"Pregnancy brain is a condition that affects expectant mothers, usually during the first and third trimesters. Sometimes known as placenta brain or baby brain drain, the condition is usually characterized by short-term memory loss or forgetfulness. Some medical experts say that pregnancy brain is a myth, but evidence shows that many women have experienced this condition." (

If you haven't heard of pregnant brain, or experienced it yourself, I assure you it is REAL! It all started on Saturday night...I went into the kitchen a little after 10 p.m. to wash my hands with soap and water in order to make my wedding rings slippery enough to yank off my swelling fingers. After a minute or two I got my rings off and I remember looking at my finger and thinking it looked so swollen and wondering if it was going to ever go back to normal.

Well, that's the last thing I remember thinking (about my rings at least), until it came time to put them on today. So, after I finished getting dressed today, I went to the dresser, where I always put my rings every night, and noticed they weren't there. I then remembered washing my hands the night before in the kitchen and figured I must have left them on the counter. So, out to the kitchen I went and lo and behold they weren't there. I then started to panic a little bit because I couldn't imagine where in the world they would be, and we were already running late to get over to my parents for Easter.

I stuck my hand down the garbage disposal to make sure they hadn't fallen down there and checked the kitchen counters and my dresser a hundred luck. The thought then crossed my mind that I had left them on the edge of the counter and Tristan grabbed them, which I knew I would never be able to find them in that case. I continued to stress out until we finally had to leave.

We went over to my parents for Easter and I couldn't stop thinking about where in the world those rings could be. I kept wondering if they could be in the trash can somehow because there was just no other place they could be. Victor suggested that I might have left them in the papertowel I used to dry my hands and it must have sparked my memory...I suddenly remembered drying my hands and rings off in a papertowel and throwing the papertowel away. I am sure you can guess where this stroy is going now.

We got home this evening and I went "dumpster diving". I finally found my rings in a paper towel at the bottom of the trash can! What a relief, and a close call...especially since trash day is tomorrow!


Courtney said...

One time, when I wasn't pregnant, just completely sleep deprived from being a mommy, I left my rings sitting on a table at a restaurant in San Antonio. I realized when I was leaving I realized I didn't have them on and went digging through the bathroom trashcan thinking they had slipped off. Hali found them sitting on the table next to my drink. Luckily, the waitress hadn't cleared the table yet!

Melanie said...

OMG!!!! I bet you were freaking out!! Well just think 6 more weeks and things back to normal, well maybe I shouldn't say normal......