Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We might have figured out this eating thing...

Okay, a few posts back I wrote a novel about Tristan's eating habits, so I promise I will keep this short and sweet!

Tristan is still picky about what he eats but has been much more open to eating when I let him feed himself with his own fork! I started giving him a fork a few weeks ago and he has pretty much come obsessed with it. Not only does he like to feed himself with it, he even wants to stab his own food, which he is able to do pretty darn well, depending upon what it is. He's really good with mac and cheese, ravioli, pears and sometimes meat sticks, bananas, chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, etc. He hasn't been able to get the harder texture stuff like grapes, so I usually put those on the fork for him, and he shoves the fork in his mouth.

In addition to the fork, he wants to use the spoon himself too! This is definitely messy! I don't always let him hold the spoon completely by himself, becuase we would have food everywhere , but he is usually satisfied as long as he is holding part of the spoon with me. His favorite thing to eat with a spoon is a bowl of cheerios with milk and bananas for breakfast. He won't even eat his banana sliced up off his tray has to be in his cereal and eaten with his spoon!

I guess poor Tristan has been trying to assert his independence and all the while I have been wondering why this kid just wouldn't eat...lesson learned! I haven't taken any pictures of him eating with his utensils (usually becuase I am busy monitoring him to make sure the bowl of food doesn't end up on the ground), but enjoy the pictures of him eating a very messy bean and cheese taco.

A bean and cheese taco taste test I like this or not?

The decision: screams of enjoyment

More screams and squeals

Happily covered in bean and cheese

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