Monday, October 8, 2007

The Countdown Begins

In less than 4 weeks Tristan will turn the big ONE! I started getting ready for his birthday party last week and it hit me, my "baby" isn't going to a be a baby anymore. Where did the time go?

During the last month ot two, he has grown so much and is now on his way to walking. Pretty soon, instead of carrying him in to places, he's going to be holding my hand walking! I know it's cliche, but time goes by so fast. I keep reminiscing about when he was first born and would just lay on my shoulder while I relaxed and watched TV. Now I can't get him to sit still to save my life. This child goes everywhere!

Last week he accomplished another milestone on his journey to full-fledged walking. He can now stand up all by himself, he doesn't need a wall, chair, cabinet, anything to hold onto. He just gets up on his legs, and pushes up with his arms, and viola, he's up!

I still get really excited when he learns something new like this, but a part of me gets sad, because I know he's growing up and he'll never be a baby again.

Cruisin' down the wall


A big difference from a few months ago

Look at me

Ready for the Texas - OU game


Anonymous said...

Holding your hand? You can only hope. What's really gonna happen is he will have a fit, jerk away from your hand, and dart away.

Whitney Bownds said...

i have been so busy with conley that I haven't been to check your blog in a while.. so, I was super surprised when courtney said that you were pregnant... that is so exciting.. i am so happy for you guys.. Congratulations..