Sunday, October 21, 2007

Caught in the Act

One of Tristan's favorite things to do is remove all the items from any cabinet or drawer he can get his little hands on. I now spend half of my day following behind him, picking up all the items he takes out. After I have it all cleaned up, he usually goes back to the cabinet/drawer and removes everything again. Even though it drives me absolutely crazy, he seems to have great fun doing it so I have yet to lock up all the cabinets! We do have a few select cabinets locked that have breakables or cleaning products...don't want to take a risk with those!

Lately it has been really hard to keep up with him because he gets into everything. If I turn my back for a second, he speeds off to our bathroom, where his favorite drawer is, and removes everything from it. If he is playing in the living room and I open up the fridge, which he hears me open (I think he has super-sonic hearing), he heads into the kitchen, just hoping that he can get to the doors before I shut them. Same thing with the dishwasher, he just loves to "help" Mommy load and unload the dishwasher!

Below are some pics of what I caught him doing this last week when my back was turned for that second or two!


Courtney said...

GREAT! Somthing to look forward too...

Anonymous said...

Well written article.